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Everything posted by loy

  1. hehe what price can you get. I'd probly interested in one
  2. I'd take it too to bad it's in Kentucky
  3. I suppose this is a picture with the booster from the 83 http://album.hybridz.org/data/500/DSC04469.jpg Did u have any problems putting it in besides turning it upside down? or pretty much just bolt on
  4. If he doesn't take it i'd probly be interested. Also i'm in maryland
  5. look at his feed back "WON SR20DET, DO NOT WANT TO SELL ME THE ITEM FOR WININING BID RIPOFF!!!!!!!"
  6. Giving a notice I think is to let the company replace the lost of a employee. Also it helps when u find another job and u give the company as a reference.
  7. loy

    Resistor question

    resistors u can get a rat shack or automotive stores. radio shack ones might not be suitable for the application. You shoudl wire the resistor in series as mario said
  8. 06-16-2005 Not to far back.... tsk tsk
  9. it's an accident waiting to happen
  10. The last response i got from ernie was two days ago. Btw they are shipping from chino california
  11. I think the shop is fixing it since it's their doing. At least thats wat it sounds like
  12. i think a 740 manual tranny might bolt on i can't remember wat my friend said about them
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