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silicone boy

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Everything posted by silicone boy

  1. I'll have to try that JB Weld idea. I'm putting together my first LS motor, a 427 LS7 block with a dry sump and while I love the idea of an aluminum block, wouldn't you know it, Grumpy's rare earth magnet idea, which I think is great, won't work without something to stick them. Wow, that was the longest run on sentence I have ever personally created. i don't think it's gramatically correct.
  2. I almost bought one of those for my V8 turbo setup, but it would have been too tall in my application (turbos would have hit the hood) and I agree that it would be hard to tighten the flange bolts on that thing.
  3. My implant rep gives me a call just as the stock market closes last Friday. She tells me that the FDA has lifted the ban on silicone implants. I jump up and down like a little kid. Now, I can make soft, natural feeling breasts and you can't even tell there's an implant there. It's like world peace breaks out all the sudden. It's gonna be great. I have a very large augmentation practice (meaning I do lots of them, not that I make big ones, although I do that on occasion too). I'm sure I will be doing more now. That means I can buy more car parts. Yahooooooo! During grace for Thanksgiving dinner, I said "and bless the people at the FDA for allowing me to help mankind wipe out hypomastia!"
  4. I should jump in here. I have several of both. AR15/M16 to shoot for fun, AK if I actually have to defend myself. Saline or silicone? Figures I would ask that question.
  5. He does need to get out a bit. Have you ever been to Soccoro? Me neither, but it's in the middle of frickin nowhere.
  6. From one Doc to another, I'm just trying to make the world a better place.
  7. some may say it's just a sign of our society, but it happens in the business world too. I'm always asking for better terms, discounts, longer repayment periods, and I give the same. It's just the way it is.
  8. Slownrusty, Jkb, you are welcome anytime. I'm in Englewood. The house used to be owned by Leo Payne, who was a big car dealer in town in the '80's. Not sure how many cars you could fit in there, but comfortably, you could work on 3 projects at a time.
  9. You're right Hoov. I've showed you less than half of the basement. It's kind of spooky down there and you don't have to put thoughts of dead bodies in my head (who's to say I didn't stash an ex or two?). There's also a "panic room" like in the movie. If civilization ends, I could spend my time down there building cars.
  10. Well, if Slownrusty's garage is pristine, I'll show you just the opposite. My garage is unique. The house use to be owned by an auto dealer, and one of the bays of the 4 car garage leads down into the basement where he kept an extensive car collection: To the right is my FD3S, in the process of receiving an LS7 Just at the bottom of the ramp. That's a Cobra Kit car on the left, and its chassis straight ahead. I'm gonna sell it to some rich middle age dude going through a midlife crisis to finance my other projects. Those yellow couches (the oldest, crappiest I could find) you see are the start of another project. I'm creating a little lounge area like Wayne's World. I'm putting a crappy TV there to watch football. There will be a dorm fridge for beer, and I made a coffee table out of an engine block (a Ford of course) for the base and some plywood for the top Another shot of the Cobra shell and my metal fab stuff The Z car, of course I know the place is a mess, but I'm a busy guy, and a slob to boot. It's a great place to work. Nice and warm. I also made a little bullet trap (just past the Cobra chassis) to shoot 22's when I get bored-wife won't let me shoot when she's in the house though.. It's a true man's paradise.
  11. Now that there's funny! He'll probably never swim outside of a pool.
  12. Me? Well, I don't want to hijack the thread, but you can find a discussion of it here: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=108160 It's not even completely done yet and I've started a second project. I'm trying to be the second or third person to have a 427 LS FD3S
  13. We can all be jealous of DManzo, but for those of you who don't know the Bay area, Gilroy is the garlic capital of the world. Everything, including his upholstery probably smells like garlic. It's not a smell you can easily get rid of.
  14. Grumpy, you have no right to be jealous, because I think you have the best shop I've seen yet. You have something no other person has, a bass pond out back. I think I wouldn't get a whole lot done with that pond nearby.
  15. Nice. I can't believe how much room there is in there.
  16. I agree with the Turbomeister that a single turbo setup would be a lot easier, and a giant single turbo setup would be a lot of fun. I had to pound the driver's strut tower in a little to make room for an external wastegate. I couldn't get the internal wastegates to work. If you do a search, you can find my flipped over corvette LT1 manifolds that would work really well for a dual or single turbo setup.
  17. I have a SBC, but there's no way I'm going to drive 500 miles in it. There's a couple of turbos hanging off of it and I use an Electromotive TEC3 fuel injection system. Not likely bubba at the local service station would be able to work on it. That's why in my current project I'm keeping everything stock--LS7 in a 93 RX7. At least.....the LS7 is stock other than the high lift cam and ported heads.
  18. If you are having problems breathing, you should go have it looked at. It could just be swelling, bit it could also be a fractured septum or even worse, a septal hematoma which could become infected.
  19. Being an insider in these matters, here's how my thought process would go if you walked into my office. First of all, I would take a wallet biopsy? I would then think about what car parts I need and adjust my fees accordingly. Just kidding. The thought process of most ear, nose and throat surgeons goes like this: If your nose looks crooked, it should be fixed. They ususally don't get x-rays to make this determination, they just look and examine. Sometimes you need to go to the OR, but many times, you can just move the bones a little and put a splint on it. If you are unsure, see an ENT doc.
  20. On another forum (torquecentral.com) there was a discussion about fake Walbro's showing up on Ebay. They are of Chinese manufacture and look just like the real thing. Hope these don't make it into the more legitimate supply chains.
  21. I have one in my garage and I constantly have to remind myself that it's 13 years old. Some things just don't age.
  22. At first, when I saw the Mustang and that giant turbo, I thought no way is any NA Z going to beat it, but you did it. Great driving.
  23. I'm pretty sure that a T5 won't live too long behind a TT350. Heck, I worry about my T56 sometimes.
  24. I thought she looked kind of familiar! I also wonder if she knows that is a distributor, not some mechanical play thing that....., well, I won't say it. It would be in poor taste.
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