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Everything posted by mark

  1. They are 165 for a set of 4 on there web site. If you can specify spring rates and lengths, I say try a set and let us all know.
  2. I''l try to write up something this weekend. I'm old, lazy and don't remember part numbers but I'll try.
  3. Thanks Cruze, I'll look at it tonight.
  4. Looks great! I can hear your bank account from here.
  5. Yes, the red Z. CruZ I'm not sure of the format. It is what ever Emachineshop.com uses. Let me know if that helps.
  6. Yes the mounts are for an S 30 model. I've got the template laying on my work benck. I need to post some rough measurements, maybe I'll have some time over the holidays. Thansk for the compliments guys.
  7. My kid was just telling me about it. Same discription
  8. Build what YOU want. Just that simple. If you like the 4 banger and the widebody, go for it. By the way, I'm building a widebody LS1 that will be a track car. Track as in road course so a V-8 will work on a road course not just go straight down the quarter.
  9. I think the bend from front to back is different on the 2 bars. I've used the R180 bar as you described but I think I had a hard time findiing a drive shaft the correct length. It was about 15 years ago so my memory is somewhat suspect on this. Try it and see how the driveshaft lines up. You will have to enlarge the holes and the metal is hardened and very tough to drill.
  10. Cab you swap the out put flanges from the TT to the armada diff?
  11. Thanks, That is exactly what I have been looking for!
  12. My laugh for the day, Thanks John
  13. Austin, That is looking sweet. Can't wait to see it at the fall nissan show in Charlotte
  14. Yes, Will. He's OK car is OK he just needs new shorts and his seat cleaned.
  15. Got a link to the corvette forum? I'm lazy
  16. That was the fall fling put on by synergy racing. I was supposed to be ther but no car right now. Couple of buddies went and said it was carnage. One friend was involved in a spin that put his red M3 in to a well prepared 911. Both hit oil put down by the car infront of them. Damage was minimal to both cars. There were some injuries at that event. Scary.
  17. When I got mine shipped by UPS it was wrapped up in a card board box which was wrapped in packing tape. IT made it from Miami to NC.
  18. offer him 200 for the car and see what he says. Looks like the whole left side is bent down a bit. Check the frame rail on that side and see if it has buckled any at all. If so it will need to be put on a frame machine and pulled straight. If the hood hinge mounting point is tweeked and it looks like it is, the hood will never line up right. That would drive me nuts. If you plan on using hood pins and no hinges then you could make it line up. It's a 200 to 500 car if it is not rusty. If it's rusty, have him pay you to take it away.
  19. Different length springs front to rear will be OK. I've got my lt-1 240 set up with 8 inch rear and 10 inch front springs.
  20. That is a good idea. I'll probably end up doing that but I was hoping PDK has a solution to save me some work.
  21. Is there an option for camber plates with this brace? I've emailed pdk but have not heard back from them yet.
  22. I tacked along the area where the gasket covers it. Along the ends I also place small tack welds near where the factory welds were. If I had it to do over again, I would have drilled holes and tacked that way. It would have looked alot neater that way.
  23. Same here. See my pics. I think there is an after shot in there. http://album.hybridz.org/showgallery.php?cat=500&page=1&perpage=12&ppuser=10667&what=allfields&=&action=
  24. How long does it run before it gets hot? A few minutes? Could it be a clogged fuel filter. Car would run OK for a few minutes until the bowl empties and the reduced fuel flow shows up.
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