First, the thief has to have the same steering hub to mount his wheel to the column. By same hub, I mean the hub that's attached to the wheel-the hub made by the company that made the removable unit in the first place.
If you look at the website I posted, the column hub is not flat, it's meant to accept the wheel hub. Therefore the thief would have to remove the hub on the column and replace it with a Grant/Momo hub etc and then attach his wheel...but he still has to figure out my kill switches, hidden alarm sirens, etc.
There is a locking cover used after the wheel is removed, made by a company in Japan. About $300.
By the time he has removed my column hub and bolted his on and then his wheel, you'd hope that someone would've seen him, called the cops, etc. Plus, if he can figure out my mess of wiring under the dash, he can have the car
It's not the last line of defense, just another obstacle for a thief. And I suppose a lock over the column could be made too. I sometimes see people on the internet telling each other what kinda kill switches, locks, etc. they've installed...kinda stupid...