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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Cool, thanks. I probably won't use that thing anyway. Owen
  2. Damnit damnit!!! This is for the current Z, I sold the v8 and trans. Soon to be the FIRST rotary powered Z in the world! Or at least on HybridZ Right Alex?
  3. Whatta WUSS Hey I still need a trans! C'mon, you got two! Owen
  4. Damnit! I was off by 0.8L! Oh well, it's a two speed so I'm gonna try it. Hanns, The turbo is from a Mazda 13B turbo setup I bought. I've given up on the 3 rotor engine and will go with the two rotor. Too bad I can't afford Auxillary's setup that he's selling. Owen
  5. I got this fan from the junkyard, is it the right one? It was out of a Taurus 3.0 V6. There was also this module attached in between the fan connector and the engine bay connector. What the hell is it, circuit breaker?
  6. Like I said in my PM, put it in storage! I lose interest all the time too, especially when I think of all the things I have/want to do. Just take it bit by bit, focusing on the things that really need to get done. Owen
  7. Gollum, No hard feelings from me. You and some others have offered to help, it's just that I'm trying to recover costs. I was originally only planning to keep these digital copies for myself so I could skip past the BS scenes. There's nothing wrong with trying to make things easier and cheaper for everyone, I do it all the time. I love L!mewire! But there's almost always someone who's gonna lose market share. Owen
  8. Everyone, no more copies available for immediate shipping. Contact me offline for any info, I won't respond to topics of this nature on HZ anymore, don't want to get SuperDan in trouble. Also, please stop using the "P" word, and go back and edit your posts if possible. Owen
  9. ROFL! That's the funniest **** I heard in a while! His fiance was pretty hot too! Yeah, the Philippines part is...WTF??? They had a budget and they did it...it was either there or Thailand I guess, really the only other countries in Asia that do drag racing and track racing.
  10. I think the order I listed... WGM 1-4 WGM Final Acts 1-2 ...story ends...Special is a flashback thingy SWGM ("Shin" means "new") 1-2 Returns is another remake
  11. I have the Snap Off hub and I too cut a section out of the column and re-welded it. Mines a little loose but I absolutely had to have the one with the lock on it. If you have aQR hub and leave it on while away, some one could steal your wheel. So for security reasons, your steering wheel always has to come with you, it's not always practical so I got one with the lock. Owen
  12. Do a search here on something called NASA. Or ask JohnC. He was telling me about it earlier today. Owen
  13. By the way, I'm using Post #102 as my log book. Owen
  14. From page 3 "Thanks to everyone offering to make copies, but as with any business, I'd like to keep it mine I actually went and got brand new original VHS movies from Japan for the best quality when converting them to DVD. Nothing is cheap in Japan as anyone well knows! So I'm trying to recover the costs of the tapes + hardware." Not that I could stop anyone from making additional copies and not that I'm trying to create a monopoly...but they are ALREADY DVDs. Unless someone is charging less or doing it for free, why not buy from the one who's already digitized it and has inventory? Owen
  15. Sounds like the Jaccuvolt (sp?), I've heard it does the same thing. Owen
  16. 8/20 Payment received from Forrest -shipped and Sparky -shipping 8/24-8/25 8/23 Payment received from DavD3 -shipped and MValencia (HadesOmega) -shipped and Majik16106 - waiting for payment to clear 8/24 Payment received from S. Wong (HeatRaveR?)-shipping 8/24-8/25
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