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Dan Juday

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Everything posted by Dan Juday

  1. Don't mean to be a downer guys, but you have to be realistic. At $500-$700 a pop John would wear out the molds before he recouped his investment. There is a reason VR glass is pricey. It's QUALITY. John don't make no crap. If that's all you plan to pay for his product don't expect to see a new G-nose from John anytime soon. Sorry, sometimes the truth hurts.
  2. Anybody know if you can plumb a turbo unto the mouth of a tbi throttle body without putting it in a box? If so this might be the way to go. It would sure make things simpler.
  3. They fit those North Star motors into Fieros (sp?). Pretty tight engine bay. Should drop into a Z with plenty of room to spare,...like, for a pair of turbos?
  4. Looks like even the guests were encouraged to play along. Either that or I'm falling even farther behind in my fashion savvy.
  5. David K., why didn't you tell us this a year ago? I still have scars from fighting with those stupid lines.
  6. I'm next! Mike, you listening? Actually I have a little story too. I got to drive a Tomahawk right through the middle of a Corvette show yesterday. You should have heard the cat calls.
  7. Dan Juday


    Yes, the high belt line is odd. I like to rest my arm on the top of the door too. But, alas, it makes you look like a dork in a Z. All elbows and ..., well, you know what I mean. At 5'7" peering over the dashboard brings back memories of my childhood, my early childhood.
  8. I don't think you have to sweat this too much. The beauty of the jtr mount is its simplicity. If you don't want to make a copy of that one just fab something up that is adjustable. Slotted holes and fender washers are usally all you need. Tim's idea is smart thinking if you don't mind spending the extra cash or if you can fab it yourself. Get it close 'nuff with you eyeball then fine tune the alignment once you get it in.
  9. I've got the Porter Cable too. Mat's right on the money. The quick change feature plus the orbital stroke option for cutting wood. Nice tool. I think all the new ones have a version of quick change. The more amps it pulls the more control you will have with the variable speed. Most people don't realize how handy the tool can be with small stuff if you run it slow. The cordless ones are THE tool for the junk yards. Why waste 20 minutes wrenching off a stubborn nut on a crusher car? Ten seconds with a sawzall. Your first one has to be an AC one though. The battery powered tools, while getting much better every year, are still also-rans.
  10. Sorry dj. This D.J. can't agree. It looks like a GM "Dream Car" from the '50's to me. Chrome, chrome, chrome.
  11. I didn't know anything about fuel injection either untill I bought my tpi motor. Not that hard really. Well worth the learning curve if you're adding turbos IMHO as opposed to the carb-in-a-box trick.
  12. Dan Juday


    No Kits for the Ford motor, or the GM LS1. But don't let that stop you. I can think of at least 4 guys here that have done the Ford 302 swap and another that just finished the LS1. The 302 is a nice motor for the Z. The 302 is lighter than the GM 350 but not as light as the LS1. Even if you go with an all iron 350 and set it in the JTR position handling will not suffer. Traction will be your new problem.
  13. Dan Juday


    Or drop in an all aluminum LS1 with a WC T5 and your Z will weigh LESS than with the L6.
  14. Actually, any hole in the hood aft of the struts will draw air in at speed. The underside of the car becomes a low pressure zone in relation to the top.
  15. I went looking for these here a few weeks ago and found no definite answers from the search function. So here for your info are the actual measurements. We all know that the diameter and thread pitch are the same as the Z. And the splines are the same. The trick is the length. From shoulder to end 46mm (1 13/16"). Installed in the front hubs they extend 36.5mm (1 7/16") No report yet on length when installed on the rear. Napa Auto Parts part#641-2785. $1.90 each. So now you know.
  16. Sounds like an obstruction to me. Even a very small partical anywhere in the system can end up lodged in the TXV. I'd take it apart and check. Cleanliness is next to Godliness in a small A/C system.
  17. So this means with an LS1 and a T5 it would actually be lighter than stock with the L6. T5 is about 75 pounds lighter than a T56. Amazing!
  18. From a cafe in Mendocino! Unfortunately the Camaro master is not readily adaptable. The Camaro firewall is not vertical and things end up sticking out at funny angles.
  19. This is an interresting topic. In many ways a targa conversion is more complicated than a convertable. With a convertable you have several options as to how to construct a top. You can design your rear deck to facilitate a clean connection of top to car. With a targa you must connect windshield header to hatch header with very little room for creativity. You are limited to the space and shape thats left after the sheet metal is removed. If I were doing this I would start by finding an old 911 targa to study very closely. Porsche did a nice job here. They had a folding canvas top that fit very nicely. Then I would buy a 911 top and see if it could be adapted to the Z roof. I'd buy an old rusted out Z to do all my prototype work on before I cut my driver. Naturally, you would want to strengthen the frame just as you would for a convertable. I would avoid the roll cage just for personal preference. The design idea is to "open" the car. A roll cage, while it has some very real benefits in strengthening the car and protecting the occupants, tends to "close" the car. Hmm, I've got an old rusty parts Z on the side of the house. Anybody got an old 911 top they want to donate to research?
  20. Lookin' tough Don. Ready for the 10's now!
  21. Get those puppies ceramic coated and you'll be in good shape.
  22. Don't be diss'n the island boy Len. He spelled aluminum right. Besides, it looks odd coming from you.
  23. Those dumb things are just bling bling. Like those stupid flip flop trunks it don't make the car better. Take a look at the size of the opening with the doors up. Looks like you have to crawl under the door to get in and out. You want scissor doors, buy a Lambo. Otherwise it looks like a sows ear on a silk purse. JMHO
  24. Thanks Grumpy. Your insight is always, well almost always (see above ), appreciated.
  25. Dude you are BORED! Racing a diesel dung truck. You'd think in H.B. there would be something more worthy to challenge you. Great story. Hope the pups didn't go hungry. WFO? Wide full open? Whitey, fxxx off? Wild fabrication overload? I just can't keep up with the acronyms.
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