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Everything posted by motomanmike

  1. Seems to have a considerable amount of noise. Could be part of the problem. I saw one huge spike at about the 84 second mark it happened right after the battery voltage flickered to 13.5, a whole volt drop. Does the car act worse once its warmed up all the way? Also reading back through your posts you said your timing is stuck at 30 no matter what you do to the map. Have you checked your basic settings to make sure you don't have the fixed timing set in there as a static value? If you do, it won't matter what you change on the timing table.
  2. I've got an update. Not a successful one but an update. I had ordered a MSII 3.0 a while back. I got it assembled and loaded the firmware/ tune the same as my 3.57 board. I tried to see if it had as much of a reset issue as the 3.57 board but it responds the exact same way. I'm getting a nasty reset about 15-30 seconds after start up, its such a bad reset, I had to shut the car down, shut tunerstudio down, unplug the cable and then open tunerstudio back up and power up and it will come back online. Doesn't fail though about 15 seconds in I see either a nasty voltage spike or a huge amount of noise on the coolant/ air sensors. The MS box will not show online without a powercycle and shutting tunerstudio down and opening it back up. So in preparation I've broke down and ordered some magnacor wires and a new set of BPR6ES plugs. I've got a punch list of things to do in order including a new alternator (not a reman this time) We shall see how it goes. Meanwhile we got a first gen supra running on my second MS over the weekend. Went almost as smooth as a stock swap, a little tricky to get it to fire but once we got it it runs fantastic.No noise no resets. Got a decent tune using the VE analyze.. I'm TOTALLY jealous of how it turned out but happy to see a MS install go smooth after all of this trouble i've had. I'll keep plugging away at my Datsun. One day it will be right or i'll go broke trying.
  3. Good to know. I've taken the proper steps to protect myself if they are illegitimate. My bank called me shortly after and said they tried to run the card again. Glad I put a lock on the account. I'm probably going to take it a step further and have them re issue a new card with new card number. I don't really feel comfortable with the way that transaction went down.
  4. In my search for the right rear pinion flange I had a member send me an email with www.nissanpartszone.com. The site seems very good, nice parts breakdowns and information. I found my part, created an account and tried to check out. The site said it was secure, typically I notice the address bar turn green when on a secure payment site this one did not. It rejected my card. I called my bank. No balance, no payments due. I had a few things to get on ebay so I tried the same card during paypal checkout. Everything was fine with it. So I figured i'd try it one more time. I was very sure everything was input correctly in the checkout screen. Same rejection of the order at the end. Poking around on the site I found a 888 number for customer service and tried calling. It said this number is no longer in service. The live chat window on the website has sat here for probably about 30 minutes and no one has responded so I gave up. Called my bank and put a temporary lock on my card. I was curious if anyone has used them or ordered from them before with any success, I tried searching the site and didn't come up with any hits on the web url
  5. Well it ended up being the wrong flange. Bummer. I still need a pinion flange from a turbo manual car.
  6. I've sourced the rear pumpkin, pinion flange, and the mustache bar. Now just to tear it apart and install everything. Might need some axles but i have to find out what i'm working with yet. The rear isn't here yet. Thanks for all the replys everyone!!!
  7. Very interesting regarding the noise reduction.
  8. Great topic. My lady is the reason i'm into these cars. I used to race motocross AMA District 7. I had a terrible accident a few years ago and had a knee replacement as a result at the ripe age of 28. I sold all my race quads, trailer and gear and didn't have anything to satisfy my hunger for tinkering. I built a few old relic quads, 20+ years old, restored them. About the third one I did she started coming home each week saying "I want that orange car sitting in Laurel". I blew her off for probably a good 4 months. Each week the same line. "I want that orange car in Laurel". I knew nothing about Datsun. Finally I cracked. I rode to Laurel with her on a Saturday to check out this car. It was a rusty beat up 73 240z. I looked it over, laughed and said "well the interior is in great shape, if you want it i'll buy it". So i did. We both worked on it for months. The brakes were frozen, the car wouldn't roll, the right quarter panel someone had taken a sawzaw and cut it out, the motor was locked up all in all a terrible Z. Anyone once else would use it for a parts car. I didn't do my homework. The body work hasn't been done but this car is now my favorite Z. It runs great. Looks like a rat rod but I drive it about 10k miles a year. She drives it whenever she can for work. I now have become so addicted i've bought another 73 240z and its orange. My girlfriend didn't want me to modify "her" car so I had to buy a second one to put a turbo motor in LOL. She to this day says that she didn't realize that I would become so obsessed with these cars. It filled my void from wrenching on my race quads every week trying to get ready for the next moto. She supports what I do and helps in the shop sometimes. She now knows alot more about cars (especially Datsuns) than the average person I would dare say. I am a very lucky guy to have a significant other that is supportive of my interests. Its give and take though. I have to be supportive of well shopping and baking and well all the other girly stuff. I'm thankful to have a great relationship. These cars have brought us both a lot of enjoyment. We go to the cruisin each month locally and take them to Ocean City in the summer. Its fun for us.
  9. That injector wiring should work ok, the stock system was batch fire. I'm not sure if that version ecu has the pulse width modulation for low impendence injectors which the stock L28ET injectors are low impendence. Definitely find out because if it doesn't you will need to wire some resistors on the 12v feed of the injectors.
  10. Are they worth buying or if you had to do it again would you go HID tecreatta?
  11. Thanks for the info and sorry for the mix up with what user posted. I'll let you know if I notice the same thing once i get my 3.0 assembled.
  12. create a zip folder on your desktop, just right click the desktop and create zip folder. copy your datalog file into the zip folder and upload the zip folder here. It won't let you upload just the file itself has to be a zip folder
  13. redzedturbo, i'm not trying to hijack this thread but what have you experienced between the 3.57 and the 3.0 that you like the 3.0 better other than being easier to mod or solder on? I own a 3.57 and am in the process of assembling a 3.0 i'm trying to compare the 2 myself? Might also give BenP an idea of what to purchase if he does decide to go with an MSII.
  14. When else would you ever go tubed though? I mean would you take a car you bought for a project and tube it? Just tube it. You know you want to.
  15. From what i've seen on this site, there isn't too many engine options that haven't bee done before. RB, SR VQ, ford v8 chevy v8. I've seen guys pondering putting VW diesel engines on some threads. I don't think i've seen a cummings swap yet but there is probably one out there. That is the nature of Hybridz.. Glad you got the rest of the bolts out. As far as moving the thread. I think you just start a new thread and possibly put the link to it as your ending post in this one would be my guess.
  16. Oh that thing is going to stick like glue. Awesome build!!!!
  17. Oh that thing is going to stick like glue. Awesome build!!!!
  18. Stupid is more like it. I can't believe I wasted his time on something like that. Ah well. Very much a noob still obviously. I usually learn the hard way it seems no matter what i'm dealing with.
  19. I've yet to see someone use a pertronix on an old points dristributor to trigger megasquirt on an L series. I've read about people doing it on other cars. I'm really thinking about trying it on this carbbed car I have to run just ignition. Any of you in Z land tried it?
  20. and it appears the PC serial port bit the dust at a very peculiar time. Matt couldn't replicate the problem. Good news to me. i'll be back working on it in a week or so. Thanks again Matt.
  21. Get some heat on it. That usually helps a lot. Even if you don't have a mapp gas torch, a propane one with a turbo tip is better than nothing at all. If they are in the aluminum parts of the engine where the bolts broke off you will have to use a heli coil on those. Don't just tap them, it won't last. If you do get to the point of having to tap and rethread holes, patience is your best friend. You do not want to rush tapping threads and break a tap off trust me.
  22. That value seems pretty close with the chart. How is it running now? I know you aren't running MS but on the DIY autotune site they have an FAQ on explaining how to test the values of a sensor such as that one, fill a bowl with icy water with ice cubes, let the sensor sit in it and test, then room temperature water, then almost boiling water, noting the values. That sensor might be off at a high or low range. Its cheap enough to test it
  23. This has always been a dilemma S30 owners. There are a few threads where people have custom made some really good looking gauge pods with 2 or three gauges but the ones I've seen were all in the S130 and they have a much thicker pillar area to work with. The pillar is so thin its really hard to work with in the first place. Some mount them where the original clock is. I'm not running a boost gauge, just a wide-band. I got a cheap universal gauge pod and cut it down to match the contour of the windshield seal and side pillar. It kind of slides down in between the dash and pillar at the bottom of it. Its not perfect but it is functional. I'm only running one gauge. I will probably remove it once my car is tuned right. We shall see. You could probably do the same with a universal dual gauge pod but it may look cluttered like previously mentioned. Let us see what you come up with. This pick is where I was mocking it up. The hole I have cut is for the LED of the wideband. I've since tucked it inside because its annoying to look at during night driving. I've got my calibration button for the wideband under the dash. Not show quality but since its screwed in tight, it sits pretty flush and no one has really payed enough attention to notice it much. Not show quality but as I said functional.
  24. I think this is why I wanted to give you a heads up. I hope you build a great Z. Don't get caught up on the numbers matching. It doesn't mean a whole lot, even on resale value like an american muscle car would. Not from what i've seen anyhow. Hopefully another Datsun will have its glory day. Keep at it.
  25. My latest money pit. This is "my Z". The first Z I bought is claimed by my girlfriend and she likes it the way it is. I wanted a turbo Z so I bought this car and have installed the L28ET with MS. I'm still working on it, i've driven it some but mostly worked on it so far LOL. I'm still cleaning up the engine bay and rewiring alot of the MS signal wires due to noise. The real Merry Christmas to me was the T5 though. I can't wait to get this installed because my current five speed has a horrible 2 gear decel roar. I got it about a month ago from a member on here. Little by little its getting there.
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