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Everything posted by jerryb

  1. Another kind...... Why is this guy wearing a helmet?
  2. I guess after my fiasco the description was changed. Believe me ...NOTHING...is molded. They are all flat pieces of carpet..sewn together.
  3. That Lambo grocery getter reminds me of the wagon Vettes of the 70's. That yellow ride is sweet!
  4. Dont be lazy...drop the diff. You will find other things that need fixing. And its not that hard.
  5. Stock? I have a few ideas...............that will fix that problem. Very nice!
  6. Be careful of the Z specialties "molded set" for 240Z. They are not molded...just cut in the corners by the tranny tunnel and sewn. Was I pissed! Then the carpet for the strut towers was not gusseted. It looked like hell. I worked with him in length and he finally agreed that the tower piece was not designed correctly and he asked his suppier to fix the problem. I was called a fussy customer. What amazed me was how many heated discussions I had to have before they conceded. Its all very disspointing......these sets cost a fair bit and the qaulity is fair...not great. Next time Im making my own.
  7. Lookin good! Lets see the Spook! Hey, that stripe right down the lower valence is cool!
  8. I thought Country for Old Men was very weak....but I believe my expectations were overly high due to all the hype. The ending was definately a flop. As far as Hitman...watched it two nights ago...It was OK...too slow in some spots. Another flat ending. And yes ..I am Legend was quite good...until.... a soft ending. Veritech-Z...thanks for those summaries....now picture that obtuse plot with poor acting and filming. TWO THUMBS DOWN!!! I think I'll watch Terminator or Gladiator or The good the Bad and the Ugly tonight.....just to get a dose of Good Ending!
  9. We have done wheels for orange county Chopper. Amazing!!!!! The coating is applied in a batch process so IF I do this there will be room for others. But please...there is no wagon to jump on ....yet We also coat piston rings, lifters and wrist pins for a number of F1 and NASCAR teams. Do you recall the recent NASACR engine failures blamed on coating faiure...that was our competitor.
  10. Roostmonkey is right Powder is the way to go.... for adhesion and durability its tops....you should be able to find a local shop for decent pricing....I worked in that industry. Im toying with the idea of coating all my Chrome and SS with DLC PVD coating. It will provide a black Chrome like appearance and will take on the shine and gloss of the base material....so a perfect finish is required. Its a super hard and durable coating....much more so than chrome. Im sure it would look simply amazing! Kershaw knives, Remingtion and even Oakley use it on their products. Im now in that service industry.... dont expect to find a local guy ...or to get decent pricing!
  11. Yes its new.....It stars ...The "Rock", Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Stiffler... I guess that sort of explains it all...............
  12. Last night was family night so we watched Southland Tales....a movie we figured we would all like. Decent collection of actors and such.... It was horrible! It was as if a random scenes and ideas were spliced together. So bizzare we continued to watch it in hopes we would get the gist of the plot...but no luck, when the ending came we were all lost and confused and a bit pissed off .....at least we got quality time together! Anyway.....could somebody please explain what this flick is about...as we have no FREAKIN clue! PLEASE!
  13. Yes I understand...my point is that in Canada ...pricing has been this high for quite some time....very painful!
  14. I have to say...Free Cat.... is VERY FUNNY in a VERY twisted kind oof way! LOVE IT!
  15. For this that are in need...FYI http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-280Z-Engine-Bay-Wiring-Harness-BRAND-NEW-OEM_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ46098QQihZ004QQitemZ140215271506QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW Cheers
  16. The possums down under are a lot prettier then the ones we have on this side of the marble. No one would ever pick one up from around here and try to save it!
  17. FENSE POST! Why wouldnt you buy a 3 foot legth of known quality tubing???? It seems to me that using a piece of scrap fence post that was made to withstand few stresses seems to compromise your car and safety. My guess would be that fence post tubing is thin wall relative to other tubing.....aka cheap. Use the right material for a structural component....one with proper wall thickness and engineering consideration.
  18. I drool every time I see those wheels!
  19. That might even fit in the S30? Could you please post the dimensions of that armrest. TIA
  20. Congrats on that car...well done. What are your impressions on that AZC moustache bar setup? Did it change the ride at all...any problems...Is it worth it? Im thinking of buying a set for some bling. Cheers
  21. My dog would just run around that thing with the ball in her mouth...trying to get the machine to chase her!
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