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You know you own a Datsun when.........


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You know you own a Datsun shop...


When you see a nut or bolt on the ground and not only do you know where it goes on the car, you know who's car it came off of.

When you hear a L6 driving down the street and know its coming to your shop, even though the car is still 500 yards away behind a bunch of buildings.

When you see a 240Z in the parking lot and wonder why its not parked in front of your shop.

When you find suspension parts hidden in corners, behind machines, and covered in spider webs and have no idea how or when it got back there.

When you spend an hour searching the shop for a Datsun part you know you have only to find it in Quickbooks on an invoice to a customer from 8 months ago.

When you've tried to drill out a mustache bar because you were in a hurry and didn't want to search the Internet for the correct one.

When you save old mustache bars because they are made of good spring steel and ruined your new TiN drill bit.

When you have stacks of worn out aluminum brake drums because you're convinced they will be worth something, someday.

When you can tell the difference between 240 and 280Z strut tubes from across the shop with you're welding helmet down.

When Datsun customers come in and start to explain their plans or problems and you can finish their sentences before they get the third word out.

When your shop, shop truck, and you start smelling like dead Dastun (gas, moldy jute, exhaust).

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When you ask someone behind the parts counter, Where are your glass fuses.


When you can't find any glass fuses and buy a pack of Wrigleys spearmint gum, So you can use the foil wrapper to go around that blown fuse, to get ya home. :rolleyes: Not saying I had to do that. :blink:

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  On 1/10/2012 at 7:08 PM, JSM said:

.. AND you won't finish it to buy a "Miata, S13, S14, Datsun 510, 620, E30 BMW, FB or FC RX7, Porsche 944, or something of that nature."


Yuck! Traitor! :blink::P:blink:




You know you own a datsun when.. you read an add like this and imediately begin searching for cheap E30's, 944's, Rx7's and the like so you can "trade up".

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  On 1/11/2012 at 4:55 PM, 240zip said:

You know you own a DATSUN when you own three other newer cars, but you leave your newer cars in the driveway and then take up two garage spaces to house your 'baby'.


You know you own a DATSUN when you have more pictures of your car on your iPhone than your kids.


You know you own a DATSUN when you know the exact manufacture date of your car but you keep forgetting your anniversary.


You know you own a DATSUN when you have enough spare parts to open an AutoZone but you'll still rush off to a boneyard to pick-up more.






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  On 1/12/2012 at 1:39 PM, steve91tt said:

You know you own a Datsun when you park in the pits and people regularly walk by the Porches, Lotuses and Corvettes to look in your engine bay.


I'm completely baffled by how much attention I get in this half primer, kinda rusty, diesel sounding old thing, just about every other time I drive it someone has to come up and tell a story about one and I get waves and thumbs up every time.


Nobody even glances at my LS1 Rx7 or my firebird, but they're all over the Z.

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  On 1/10/2012 at 6:59 PM, zero said:

You know you own a Datsun when your feet get wet when it rains.


You know you own a Datsun when your girl can tell when you've driven it because you smell like exhaust.


Very true to both those.



  On 1/11/2012 at 3:43 AM, aplyedmind said:

You know u own a Datsun when , You can't fill your tank more than half way or It leaks all out to the ground.


Mine is only if you fill it up to the neck but yeah, that made me chuckle.



How about "You know you own a Datsun Z when someone asks you enthusiastically "Is that Ferrari?" and you sit there with a gaped open mouth, think about it for a second and them smugly answer "uhh yeah!"


With this look:



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You know you own a Datsun when...

You spend 15 minutes reading through a "You know you own a Datsun" thread in the library at school rather than revising your senior research paper.

When you've spent AT LEAST an hour a day on hybridz.org for the past two+ years and have made just over 50 posts. :huh:

Edited by KROz
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