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George Barris what an A-HOLE


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Anyone else see that old fart (who by the way has made some really ugly custom cars) criticize Datsuns on the show Car Warriors!?!?


He even did it more than once!!! I know that episode must have been talked about on here before, but I just saw the rerun last night. I was shocked that he would talk that way about such a classic car as the s30 which is a highly regarded car in automotive history, even Leno has nothing but good things to say about them.


I think I will be sending him an email letting him know what I think, maybe everyone here sould try to do the same.

Edited by lorenzo
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If Barris built nice looking or nicely built cars I might give his opinion some weight. He is responsible for some the ugliest hack jobs on wheels (I have seen some up close) so I can't even bring myself to look into this any further.


Have a beer and chill, Lorenzo :cheers:

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That show is crap but still good entertainment.  If I didn't like the Thacker and Shine Bonneville roadster so much, I couldn't stand it.  They ruined those z-cars like they ruin all the cars on that show.  They all look like death traps.  I like all the hissy fits they all pitch.  I've been known to pitch a fit every now and then, but there's nobody else in my garage at 3am to yell at.

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Don't ever look at he Burklands Streamliner then!


The "old fart" comment is funny as hell actually. It's got o be coming from someone jealous...


Old Farts have done it, they didn't talk about it.


When you got to really high level Motorsports events you notice something: lots of fat old white dudes calling the shots, and a bunch of kids dong manual labor at their direction.


Very rarely do the physical prowess /skills and the wisdom necessary to effectively, consistently compete correspond.


Harris may be an Old Fart, and you may not like his work. But there was a time he was "The Sh*t"!


Until YOU have reached that level of acclaim, I'd suggest tampering I comments involving name calling...


Always easy to criticise, much harder to achieve peer acclaim in competition on a big stage.

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You guys do know that Car Warriors, American Chopper, American Hot Rod, Build or Bust, Overhauling, etc. are SCRIPTED reality shows.  There's a basic outline of what's going to happen, who's going to win, and they have writers on staff to help with the dialog.  I have a relative who is an editor for two of the shows I list above.  Its not real.

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You guys do know that Car Warriors, American Chopper, American Hot Rod, Build or Bust, Overhauling, etc. are SCRIPTED reality shows.  There's a basic outline of what's going to happen, who's going to win, and they have writers on staff to help with the dialog.  I have a relative who is an editor for two of the shows I list above.  Its not real.

You don't realise how much explaining I have to do overseas to explain JUST that point!


Though I must admit to going "Big Paul" in Thailand, loud enough to have Australians come from two machinery pads over to see who was yelling and "wishing they had a pellet gun to keep your f-ing finger off the GD equipment! GET OFF MY COMPRESSOR PAD! ALL OF YOU GET THE F**K OFF OF MY COMPRESSOR PAD!"


They thought I was Australian! LOL

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 Love it... "scripted" reality TV.  I don't know when the American TV Viewer got hooked on the strategy of WWe style scripted drama, but the networks have sure killed my ability to tolerate most television programming.



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I wish I had Stacey David in my shop to show me how I was supposed to do everything-and be so dam n cheerful about it.  I guess all those guys are just like us: doing what they have to, to get paid.  I'm old, and I just far ted.  My favorite right now is Fast and Loud-those guys seem like somebody I'd have coffee with and there is no misunderstanding about who runs the shop and who does the deals.  I still have a hard time with how fast the guys on these shows can do mock-up, paint and body and get the dar n car running.  I mean, just how fast does paint dry?  It takes me more than 48 hours to bleed my brakes!  When I was a kid, all the cool cars were from Barris and the new guy ont he scene was Butteras (sp?).  It was the very beginning of the billet scene, which I'm now glad to see in my rearview mirror.  I could watch PassTime all day.

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JohnC is fabricating drama, there are stacks of Bernoulli magazines in his bathroom, glossy paper rubbed between the hands makes for an effective wiper. Don't let him fool you!


Yeas, that's why the Sauber article was missing John...

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