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So this is the way its gonna be...


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I posted this elsewhere, but it needs to be read and CLEARLY understood by all... I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you can deal with OUR RULES and the way WE have fashioned HYBRIDZ, We would like for all of you to stay and enjoy yourselves, to learn and contribute. However, IF YOU CAN't, But choose to stay anyway, because this is the land of the free and the brave, and you'll do as you wish... READ ON... YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED.


FROM YESTERDAY's Site Support thread on keeping the site the way it was intended:


"Funny, You guys asked how we keep this site from becoming "Like XXX Site!" and yet a number of folks came out of the woodwork in defense of another young kid who was repeatedly getting more and more argumentative on a NUMBER of subject. This afternoon this individual posted a flame-fest, attacking the "Elders" of this site...


I'm gonna make myself CRYSTAL clear, so I'd like those who consider themselves part of the family to take note, and those who take issue with how this site is run to especially TAKE NOTE...AND PAY ATTENTION.


We're NOT, N-O-T gonna let this site go the way of every other garbage, waste land on the internet... If that bothers you, then you may want to consider yourself a target. I am NOT gonna allow the conduct promoted elsewhere to permiate our website and I want ANYONE who feels something is out of line, off color, or inappropriate to funnel all posts to me or any of the admins and moderators...


This is my house, and I consider those who do NOT have intentions of living up to OUR mission statement to be trespassing... If this is you, Consider notice served and your days here numbered. "


MY POINT HERE IS that we are ALL responsible for how we conduct ourselves here at THIS WEBSITE. I don't care what you do elsewhere, just don't di it here... That is all Dan Porter, Own, Pete, John C. and the Rest of the admins and mods have stated OVER and OVER again. So here's the deal. If you have been around a while and you have a sufficiant number of posts (To the admin or mod, their call) and YOU MAKE an inappropriate post and flame someone... You're out of here... Baned, gone, see ya. I'm gonna leave it up to EACH admin and mod to call it as THEY see it.


If you are a newbee, young or old, YOU GET ONE FREEBEE... one warning... UNLESS it is just SO BAD and SO RUDE that you deem removal. You're in our house, as OUR GUEST... PISS ON MY CARPET, Kick MY DOG, or Disrespect my wife, and OUT YOU GO... I hope, I REALLY HOPE we don't have to kick anyone else off the site. But make no bones about it, When it is warranted, I personally do it with pleasure. :twisted:


Likewise, If you SCREW members over by posting bogus garbage in the forsale section and sell it as gold, clearly misrepresenting yourself, scamming for the sake of making a buck, You're out of here... If the offended buyer has done his homework and can prove through e-mail trails that you lied and wove a tale to cover your tracks, your out of here... I've had several of these incidents and I'm personally done... You prey on your own members, then we don't want you as a member of OUR family.


Have a good day, and happy researching...

Mike Kelly


"I'd be the biggest humanitarian in the world, If but for the people..." :roll:


Mike Kelly

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I almost posted in the thread that prompted this several times. I dont think that there was a whole lot there that was all that extreme, right until the end, and there was an argument either way about attitudes.... However, The younger guy in question needs to learn to err on the side of caution and respect. Basically, it comes down to a suggestion my Mom made to me quite often as a kid..... Dont "Sh!*" where you eat. Or dont make big waves when you are in it up to your nose. It is a small step from where that thread was headed to where other communitees live. Also... = ) the point he wont get, and isnt taught much in the real world anymore: Have a little more respect sometimes just because someone is older and more experienced. If you dont walk behind horses, you dont get kicked, regardless of whether or not you think they are "donkeys".

I didnt like what happened in that thread, but I also dont want this site to lose its-self. Some of the most extreme, bizarre, crazy stuff I read about is right here, and 99% of it is PG. I could go other places for Stock nissan info, but here I get it all, at the risk of merely being told to search. I can live with that.

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What I'll never understand is why some people need to "mess with the admins", other than to look cool to their online buds. Talk about immature and counter productive!

From this point forward, my tact will be to ban anyone that publicly taunts an admin of this site. That's like giving the host of a party you're at an insult in front of everyone. I don't think any one of us would put up for that in a second in their home.

People like that can go form their own I-hate-the-HybridZ-Admins forum and have at it with their buds - they won't be around here any longer.

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That’s a good move in my opinion. Just look at what has happened to LS1tech.com, it’s been trashed. I hate posting over there for fear of getting slammed for no reason.


Talking online should be no different than speaking in person. And for the most part everyone here is respectful of the each other.


This site is great, and you guy’s have poured you heart and soul into it, that is obvious.



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Which thread are you guys discussing? I don't think I've read that one. Maybe I should avoid reading it? :?:?:?




The thread was moved off the public forum for obvious reasons.....nothing good could have come from leaving it up...

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Guest Dorifto_Tuning

Wow ... whoever this person was, they'd better be running with their tail between their legs. I cannot stand those that fragment our boards with piss-poor, worthless information and / or insults of any kind toward anyone. I didn't have a chance to view the post - and for that I'm grateful - but from what I'm getting from everyone else, there seemed to be a problem with "respect". Even though I've posted only a dozen or so times, I feel like an integrated part of the great online group that is HybridZ, and though I'm not one for crazy-sick modification of Z-cars, I still wholly respect and honor what you guys do here. To some, it is a hobby or a job; to others it is a lifestyle, and when somebody crawls up from underneath a rock and has the gall to bash, disrespect, or stir up anger from anyone here, I take a major offense to it. I refuse to tolerate any lack of respect toward anyone. I come from a family that raised me on respect, and I give it fully. Unfortunately, we exist in a time of reduced morals, where the weak are making themselves obvious via the trash comments they have made, and it is saddening that it litters our boards. I will consider it an honor and a personal duty to assist in the clean-keeping, unbiased nature of HybridZ. I look forward to seeing many great successes because of this board, and warn all who wish to destroy that, that I have a personal vendetta to score with them. I would also like to take this time to personally thank all Administrators, Moderators, and good-standing members of HybridZ for the excellent services, information, and help they provide - the world needs more people like yourselves. Have a good day, gentlemen.

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The sad part is that people just can't leave it be.

I've said it before, I come here because elsewhere there is no moderation, and the site suffers due to it.

Whatever the Admins Desire, the darned well should do. Especially when it keeps information flowing, and keeps the troublemakers out.

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shucks :oops: I was pissed all day yesterday cause I couldn't even get to this site. Don't know what happened but I tried through out the day but the browser kept timing out. I was starting to have withdrawls.. You guys can't do that to me! Im old and gotta have my fixes... :lol:


So some young wantabe decided to challange the gods of Mount Hybridz :twisted: and found out what that lightening bolt is all about :shock: some people never learn! :roll:

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You get a big AMEN for that. I would not want this board to be run any other way. The members here have been more help to me than I can tell you. Both in terms of technical help and inspiration. You administrators and moderators have long had my respect for the mature and professional way you handle things here. Please keep up the good work!

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Diddo, I left gotz because they'd talk trash to everyone. I too was brought up to respect people regardless of age and whatnot. The moderators and admins here do an awesome job. I too will watch when I on the forum that no one bad mouths people or posts innappropriate things (drives me nuts) (not to mention its embarassing when other people se it). I'm here to talk cars PERIOD. The other people can take there trash somewhere else. This site has offered me more positive feedback than any of the other forums I've tried. Keep up the good work, I'll remain a peaceful considerate helpful member. Thanks everyone who watchs this forum, I have utmost respect for your doings.

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i love you guys, but even i fell victim to my own stupidity and replied to a no reply sticky that tim put up a few months ago. how i didnt see the bright big DO NOT REPLY letters i will never know .... luckily no one yelled at me heheh one thing i have trouble with tho is the search, someone should write up a tutorial on the best ways to use the search cuz i really suck at it. anyways im glad we have guys like you watching over our house!!!

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Diddo, I left gotz because they'd talk trash to everyone.


There is no way i can compete with HybridZ or Zcar.com when it comes to websites for Z Cars. So i offered the next step, which would be a casual anything goes site for zcar owners. Sure, there are days when i log in and the majority of posts are 100% nonsense, but there are also the days when i log in, and people have posted pics and detail on a project they are finishing up. Dont think that i approve everything that goes on over there, I just choose to leave it all be, regardless if i agree with any of it or not. Got Z is where people come when they are done surfing through the tech sites, and want to have a virtual beer with the guys. The quality of the automobiles the majority of Got Z'ers own, are top notch. Most users are older more mature men/women who just want a release. At the end of the day/week/month, its really all about the friendships and bonds we all create with each other.








I want to use GotZ and my ownership as another example to show what a wonderul job the moderators of Hybrid Z do. If i tried to cut all the totally non related to the car nonsense, profanity, pornography, flames,....I and the others would not have a site to enjoy. Hybrid Z manages to keep the majority of the off topic stuff out of here, and that is a very hard thing to do if you want to keep a site up in the long run!



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