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City of SF to ban handguns


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Well, miss Simon is entitled to her opinion, but that doesn't mean she has a clue about the problem. It's the same old story.....people get all worked up and think that outlawing handguns will make the problem go away......WRONG!!! Unfortunetly, the crooks will have no problem if this passes.....then they will be able to rob the citizens of SF without the fear of getting shot! Boy, now that makes alot of sense doen't it. Yes, only for the crooks anyway. If this dumb b_ _ ch (Mrs. Simon) would just do a little research on the statistics, she would discover that the cities with the most gun control have the highest crime rates.....duuuhhhhh! My version of gun control is.....when you can place three consecutive rounds in the same spot on the target. Now that's gun control. Oh, the ignorance these types exhibit! It a wonder they can successfully wipe their own asses!!?


Join the NRA today.....help save our Constitutional Rights for our children and the future. Just remember what Hitler did back in the late 1930's and early 40's.....he took away weapons from Germany's neigboring countries under the blanket of....you won't need them, we'll protect you....then he invaded them. We all know how that episode turned out!

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Good case in point is England. My family on my mothers side is from there and they have handguns outlawed and they have alarming rate of stabbings per year that has surpassed the total handgun assaults per year preban. They haven't thought of outlawing knives yet, but I'm sure it's just around the corner.


It is the mentality of this dingbat and others like her who believe that we can save ourselves from ourselves through new laws. But the fact remains we have laws on the books now that isn't deterring them in any way, courts are jampacked, so what makes them think that this is any different. A criminal has got to know that he will do 5-10 years for armed robbery, so who cares whether it is a knife, gun, bat or toy gun, same difference! Oh, forgot the firearms 1 year enhancement, well, that'll mean he does another 6 months with "good time". Oh, and three strikes, your out, only means 25 years, same as "life".


Here in NM there was an article in our statewide paper that over 25 percent of DUI's in Bernalillo County (Our most populated area) are dismissed without prosecution due to the high load on the courts. So, new laws for higher degree felonies will take front seat and more people charged with DUI's and lessor crimes will hit the street again to kill or mame somebody else again, prompting "new" and "tougher" laws to add to the merrygoround of BS so that lawyers get richer, we get poorer and nobody is safer.


My plan for Iraq, surround it, give them 30 days to get out, level the place, let them move back, charge them Billions for saving their butt, take it in oil, and take no prisoners.


My plan for criminals, put a bounty on them, if you see one, shoot his happy butt till you run out of ammo, don't need wounded, collect some money, buy z parts, and dump them all in the ocean serving as shark bait, no jail, no courts, no lawyers, no psychiatrists, no BS. Out here in the wild country I live in, if your known to be a good shot, people don't __ck with you. A drive by would never happen cause their 9 may make some potholes in my stucco but my 30-378 weatherby mag will make a hole end to end in their vehicle after passing through their _ss in the process even when they are 500 yards down the street laughing their punk _ss off thinking how "bad" they are. If that don't work then I'll break out the 50BMG and see if they can make it to the highway.


We breed street urchins here just like they do elsewhere, the problem is that they don't know anything different than what their parents knew and what they were born into, poverty and little hope of ever really knowing what "life" is. It isn't your homies, it isn't rappin', it isn't busting a cap in somebody's _ss, It isn't turf, It isn't getting high, It isn't scoring. It is working, making honest money, being lawfull, being honest and trustworthy, taking pride in yourself and taking responsibility for your actions, having a family, friends, and experiencing food, travel, education, hobbies. It is the pursuit of "real life" that the punk _sses lack, no real life and no ambition. A black acquaintance of mine got busted for shooting some other worthless piece of _hit and did 3 years. He said that as a "black" man, he just can't get up and move to another town cause his own kind will think he's movin' in on their "turf". Where as white guys can go anywhere and fit in. So I say to him, is that my fault or yours? He says it's my fault cause we whites oppress his kind, the blacks! So, I gave him a job a couple of years ago when he got out of the slammer and a place to live, he married a white gal from a prominent ranching family, caused a _ell of a stink. He showed up the first day, moved in, beat the crap out of his new "old lady", she left, called Lt. Fuzz and I never saw him again for 3 years cause he violated parole by beating up his "old lady". "old lady" is his words, not mine. He shows up 3 years later wanting his "stuff". I guess I don't follow his thinking that it's my fault, I gave him a chance, he screwed it up and left, I don't owe him anything or any "stuff", besides, I don't consider furniture from walmart as "stuff".


Sad, in the old days, we'd just throw some blows, then go drink beer together and that was it, now that's a felony as well, so the punks think they might as well go for the gusto, and the problem is that we have to pay for it all.


Sorry for the long rant

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A criminal has got to know that he will do 5-10 years for armed robbery


Nope. What they need to know is that everyone around them is armed at least as well as they are. England threatens them with jail time, what good does that do?


An armed society is a polite society.

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My wife went to a photography conference this past weekend. One of the sessions was night photography. The photographer that was giving the seminar was telling everyone to be carefull because he had had his equipment stolen twice while taking night pictures in a city. He suggested that a dog makes a good protection. A woman in her 50s sitting behind my wife said "dog nothing, I'm taking my 9mm".


I thought it was funny.

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What amuses me is we have an excellent case study on why banning hand guns in cities doesn't work:


Washington D.C.


That city has been consistantly in the top 5 for homicide for decades, and usually top 2-3... And they outlawed handgun ownership there decades ago...


When will we learn!



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I agree with Mikelly, we have a gun ban in the Phillippines and people still kill each other with ice picks, long screw drivers, razor blades, cinder blocks, machettes, etc. Gun bans dont work anyway because most bad guys already have guns, they are usually called ....the police. (corrupt S.O.B.s)

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(i hate ****ing politician assholes... they need to be shot lol)


You're joking, but notice they all have bodyguards and many of the main gungrabbers have carry concealed permits - case in point, Diane Feinstein, America's #1 gun (owner) hater. In CA, it's almost impossible to get a carry permit, unless you're a politician or work for one.


Why else do you think they are so eager to make it illegal for you to own a gun? They KNOW they've betrayed their oath of office, and what they deserve.

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Guest tony78_280z

I think I'll chime in here and agree with most in this thread. I don't own a gun. Never have, and probably never will. But If I should change my mind I'd like to know that option exists. I can also see the statistics in which cities with less gun regulation laws actualy have less crime rate. It makes sense that a city with no guns would be better pickins for the criminals who aren't going to obey that law anyway.


My personal martial philosophy is that only victims are victimized. Do not act like a victim and you wont be. If you walk a dark and menacing street but you are aware of your surroundings making mental notes of possible threats with your hand on your pepperspray/tazer/handgun the odds are you are gonna get out ok. It's the victim who walks looking at the pavement with hands jingling their car keys in thier pockets is the one who gets jumped from "out of nowhere" by a mugger.


My political philosophy is that Politicians want you to depend on them for everything (particularly liberals), and want to take your free will and your power to enfoce that free will from you. This is easiest to do when you a scared.

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Guest tony78_280z
where by law you HAVE to own a gun
Interesting, how can this be enforced. Owning a handgun has got to go against many religious beliefes. What about self proclaimed pacifists, scatter brained late teens (18-19), bhudists, etc.
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