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Not going anywhere for a while? Have a snickers!


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I think he rolled it. Rolled mine over on a trampoline and made a loud popping sound followed by my ankle growing to the size of a softball. Have had limited movement with my ankle ever since.


So, how did you do it?



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Guest goldraven

you complete wimp!!! Would you like me to hold your purse and call your husband to tell him you're going to be late?


On a real note, how'd it happen?



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I really hope its a sprain not something more serious,

I slipped on a greasy floor at work, and my ankle bent 90 degrees, stuff popped,pain was off the scales, and its required two $40,000 surgerys lots of steel pins and screws, rebuilding the joinnt, bone splicing,ETC. and therapy plus constant medication just to walk, and even then 15 mins is about max time I can stand without serious pain. and its been 5 years now

get a good specialist to look at it carefully,fast!, and if theres ANY question as to the extent of the damage, get an MRI not just an Xray even if YOU need to cought up the $1000 to get it done, trust me its worth it in the long run to get quick, knowledgable, skilled,experianced, medical , help


PERCOCET/CORTOZONE,ASPRIN , ICE PACK,WARM BATHS tend to lower the pain levels, and DON,T WALK on it UNTILL its COMPLETELY HEALED its very easy to increase damage to the area if you get STUPID and walk on a damaged joint

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I really hope its a sprain not something more serious' date='

I slipped on a greasy floor at work, and my ankle bent 90 degrees, stuff popped,pain was off the scales, and its required two $40,000 surgerys lots of steel pins and screws, rebuilding the joinnt, bone splicing,ETC. and therapy plus constant medication just to walk, and even then 15 mins is about max time I can stand without serious pain. and its been 5 years now

[b']get a good specialist to look at it carefully,fast!, and if theres ANY question as to the extent of the damage, get an MRI not just an Xray even if YOU need to cought up the $1000 to get it done, trust me its worth it in the long run to get quick, knowledgable, skilled,experianced, medical , help[/b]


PERCOCET/CORTOZONE,ASPRIN , ICE PACK,WARM BATHS tend to lower the pain levels, and DON,T WALK on it UNTILL its COMPLETELY HEALED its very easy to increase damage to the area if you get STUPID and walk on a damaged joint

This is good advice, I'm a young athlete and have had 3 knee surgeries. Once I tore it all, the ACL, MCL, PCL, MENISCUS, and severely stretched the patellar tendon. After 6 months (the earliest recommended time for recovery) i tried to play basketball for my senior year. Not even a month into it i completely retore my meniscus causing its partial removal. After that surgery 3 months later in therapy I was having abnormal pain. I have rare condition in which i generate scar tissue up to 3x faster than most normal people. This scar tissue had worked its way in and around the remainder of my meniscus causing it to be completely removed. However with the my doctor who has done all three of mine and both of my older brothers (6 knee surgeries and 3 boys go figure) I am currently training to play basketball again for my junior college. However i must say seeing a lot of surgeries if you do go to surgery do as much therapy that your insurance will allow, do home programs everything. Trust me though it hurts like one SOB while your doing it it does feel much better afterwards. I slacked off between one of my surgeries and now cannot fully extend my leg which has led to several Siatic Nerve problems in my lower back.

Sorry for the long response and best of luck to ya.



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I've done it several times playing racquetball too. After the swelling went down, the whole outside of my foot, ankle, and calf would turn bluish green and take about a month to get back to looking normal. After you do it once and loosen the tendons and ligaments, it happens easier the next time.


Ice, rest, elevate, and if the swelling doesn't go down pretty quick see a doc.



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Never rolled an ankle, but I can tell you that getting a helluva a stinger in football is like a near-death experience! I still can't swing a hammer with my right arm like I used to because of a resulting torn/loose ligament. I've also broken a toe and hyperflexed my knee in wrestling. My knee used to want to pop and be sore all the time, but that's been 5 years ago now and I'm finally over it.

Get well soon!


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i had ice on it in 5 minutes, and went to ER asap (this was posted while waiting for my ride to ER). Had foot xrayed, no cracks/fractures visible.


Just gotta wait it out now. How did it happen? I got into a fight with gravity, and lost

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I bet you wish your 'pecker' could swell up like that!! :icon52::twisted:

....or at least I bet your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner (whatever) wishes it would :shock::-D:twisted:


ha ha ha JK....great excuse to chill for a few days!

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Tim, don't worry, my gf and I practice a great method of birth control: I printed up a picture of you and taped it over my bed. When we start getting frisky, we look at your picture, voila! Instant abstinence.


Good to know that you are now the poster boy for birth control

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