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crazy neighbor round 2 and 3


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Round 2 went like this. She got smarter (at least she thought so) and hired an attorney for the restraining order. Problem is that the judge asks why aren't we doing mediation since this is a neighbor dispute(remember that she wanted no part of mediation at the first hearing when she was respresenting herself). Her attorney, not wanting to look bad, says.. my clients are reasonable people and will go to mediation. All the while she is setting there shaking her head no and saying we don't want mediation. Shouldn't have hired a lawyer if you didn't want things to precede in a more sensible manner (heh heh).


Round 3 is this Wed. Mediation, so we will see how that goes. It should be entertaining at least. If mediation falls through the next court date is Dec 5th.


And we haven't even started into the harassment ticket yet. ughhhhhhh

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This is my advice if you've never been to mediation, you and her are in separate rooms and an old judge goes back and forth between rooms with one offer and another until all the issues are solved or not. He adds in his .02 cents worth, so it's pretty laid back. Best thing to remember is to keep calm, listen and think about what he is saying. Keep your emotions out of the process or you'll be there all day. Have some thick skin and try to look at the whole situation from an outsider point of view.

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  • 1 month later...

I ended up agreeing to a mediation deal where the restraining order stays in place for a certain amount of time and is then dropped. We also agreed that if horses get into each others property the sheriff will be called to come out. No one will shoot guns when someone else is messing with livestock. Stuff like that. I guess it is working, I haven't seen aything weird out of them yet. I am not convinced it is over yet, but we'll see.

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