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When you are riding pretend you are invisable. People look right at you and pull out. My bike riding days are gone for now. Had a 72 H2 750 kaw. RD 350's RD 400's RZ 350, GS 1100 suz. all gone now. Got my father in laws old 1943 45 Harley flat head. old 50's custom I need to get down here. Will probable just use it to putt around town on a Sunday morning when there isn't too much trafic. Be carefull, don't need to lose a Z car guy.

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So far me just a few broken bones.

Just be carefull and ignore all the horror stories. =)


Oh man, I've heard a lot of them. When I first told one of my coworkers I was going to buy it she said "you know, one of my friends is in a coma in intensive care right now because someone hit him oncoming 2 days ago, and it took 5 hours for someone to see him in the ditch. He was in surgery for 12 hours running."


Oh well, what can I say. I've always wanted one and I don't want to look back at my life and regret never doing anything I wanted just because there was risk involved.


I will be careful, I've read about 100 different articles on motorcycle safety and thousands of posts over at hondashadow.net. I will do my best to take it easy and stay alert.

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Hahahahaha! Not arguing that. I'm an organ donor, too.


Joel, is your engine bay painted yet? I don't think I will be taking long trips on this thing, it's an in-town bike, and I've been told it's pretty rough on the interstate for more than a few minutes. But I'm still up for taking a day off to put the RB back in! As for the bike its a 1996 Honda Shadow 600cc VLX. I think the Shadow is supposed to be a Harley look-alike. A lot cheaper, though!

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There are alot of guys on here who ride and I am one of them. Being in SoCal I ride about 98 percent of the time I am on the road. Over and above the comment (which is VERY true) about acting like you are invisible, my advice to you while you are riding is NEVER let your attention lapse. When you are riding you have to be focused on riding and you should not be thinking about anything else. As a side note anything in the road that you would just ignore and run over with your car can and probably will hurt you if you hit it with the bike so always watch far enough ahead to allow you to avoid what the car in front of you is going to run over.


Ride Safe



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Wont tell ya I havent dropped one however. Be safe.


There are two kinds of bikers, those that have been down and those that are going down. Hope you don't have a bad one!


and, Yeah, as everyone else says, stay ALERT. I don't ride anymore either.


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OK OK Story time...cant help it.

It was a beautiful summer day in Ft. Worth Texas. At the time I was riding a KZ 900. I was taking the long way home and cutting through a suburban homes section of town. This is an older neighborhood that had brick homes set on about a half acre lots. Well trimed lawns and kids playing in the yards. I was kicked back instead of paranoid as I usually was cause it was calm, sunny and no cars. I twisted the throtle as I went throgh the gears and had reached about 50 MPH when I noticed a car comming my way up ahead.

I came to the usual attention, as cars are the enemy, glanced at the speedo and let off the gas. (going to fast, of course, should be going about 35).

When the car was about 100 feet from me I see the drivers hand stick out the window and wave at someone off to my right. Or was he waving at me? To find out, I look over to the right and see a gentleman waving back at the driver. OK.

I turn my attention forward again and there it is. The driver had turned dead ass in front of me to apparently vist with his friend that he was fixating on. I turned my head for ONE second.

BAMMMMM! Not even time to do anything but suck in what I though would be my last breath. Not a skid mark. Not even time to close my eyes.

I cleard the car as the bike hit and rotated me up and forward. After I skid to a stop 50 feet on the other side of the car on my face, with a FULL FACE HELMET on, the last few feet finally rotated me over on my back with a thud. As my vision slowly came back to me I got to hear thoes famous words. I knew it was comming and was mumbling "no, no dont say it". But here they came. The driver first says " man, are you allright". But thats not the words Im talking about. Ready? Here it comes.........here it comes......."I didn't even see you man".

No kidding?

Awesome scar as a souvenir from that one. The car was a pinto station wagon and the side chrome buckeled into a taco shape when my front tire impacted the car. As I cleared the body of the car, the chrome went into and almost through my left leg. Nice yes? At the time it made sense to quick check what he was waving at. Guess not.


Got more. Any others?

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OK I've got a bunch, but I'll just share a dirtbike story for Tom:


A couple friends and I are riding the Backbone trail at Hungry Valley in Gorman, CA. We're cruising up the hill and I'm way out in front on my old DR350. I stop to check on my friends, who were swapping bikes. One had a new CR500 and the other a very old RM400. I see them pull behind a gigantic juniper bush and then I don't see them anymore. About then a guy on a RM250 comes screaming by me like he's on a motocross course. He rounds the corner with the juniper bush, and then all hell breaks loose. I see nothing less than the RM guy with crazy speed wobbles go flying off what looks like a cliff!!! Suddenly bikes and ATVs that I didn't even realize were there are racing down to the scene.


Turns out that my friends were swapping bikes as I thought, and right as the guy in front got on the bike and fired it up (wasn't even in gear yet), the racer idiot came around the corner. They hit handlebars and the idiot's bars went under my friends and caught his thumb, pulling it backwards and breaking it in 3 places. He fell over at 0 mph. The idiot got the aforementioned speed wobbles and did go over a very steep embankment, not quite a cliff. His bike ended up way down the hill, but he ended up going over the bars and landing in another very large bush. People rushed to his aid, and to everyone's surprise he was totally fine. My friends and I started back down the trail and back to our truck. He rode that CR500 about 5 miles with no thumb, had to grab the clutch with his right hand to shift. Got there and cut his glove off and his thumb looked nasty. He passed out from the pain and we loaded up the bikes and took him to the hospital. He ended up getting the thumb pinned back together and now has made a full recovery.


I guess the irony was that he was on the biggest baddest bike available at the time and was seriously hurt while doing exactly 0 mph.

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