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Wow, there really are some great pics in here. I'm definitely not up to the level that a lot of you seem to be, but here are some that I've taken with an old kodak digi.




















This place I just stumbled upon while going on a little sunday cruise.



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It's actually a photoshop brush that I created one day while I was bored.


Ahh okay I created the brush thing as well, just got to where I didn't want to do it for +300 pictures. If anyone is curious how to do mass watermarking here's a GREAT tutorial http://av.adobe.com/russellbrown/BrandingSM.mov


Here's the website for other similar tutorials




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Wow you guys are great photographers. My work is nowhere near most of yours, but...Here's some of my work in Iraq...


Warming around the grill before we eat...





The Grill Master! MSgt Johnson doing what he loves.



My first portrait, one of my coworkers, Jody.



I hope it's alright, I'm new at this stuff.

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hey nav, interesting place to be photographing.


I was going to mention trying to lower the aperture a bit, or go with a lense that can open up to 3.5 or 2.8, but I think in this case, the background lends a hand to the mood of the photo.


But it's something that I suggest trying.


One thing I like to do is bracketing. If your lense is controlled via electronics for the Aperture, you can do bracketing in aperture or shutter speed mode.


If in aperture mode, it will take a photo at the set, above set, and below set aperture openings.


You do need a larger card though.


The reason I say set the camera to that mode is because people don't like sitting around for 3 of the same shots, and they certainly don't like standing infront of a fumbling photographer, so having it auto-bracket is a good idea =).


If your cam doesnt have auto bracketing or doesnt control aperture, then set your camera to "A" mode, or "Ta" mode (aperture priority mode).


Focus your frame, take a quick shot. flip aperture down once, take a quick shot, and flip aperture up twice, and take a quick shot.


Once done, you can even superimpose the pics ontop of eachother to achieve cool effects through a bit of photoshop work, but I believe in good framing and in-camera work, personally :D

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Here is a great site to read up on.

I heard about the rule of thirds and it GREATLY influenced my photography. (just for those starting out and aren't normally "art people")


That site has some great information, and rule of thirds is definitely one to go by. BUT DON'T let it take over everything you take a picture of. (rule 7 on that website is exactly what I'm talking about). SOME THINGS look better right in the middle. It's how you use the other two 3rds (above and below, or left and right) that will influence how well the photo has been framed.If you look at my pictures posted a while back, you will see that most of them have terminating lines that go to corners or match up on the opposite end of the photo. Example, if you were to see a body line of a car exit the bottom left by about 1 inch from the bottom, chances are, I would have made the same exit on the top right, 1 inch from the top. It's a good way of keeping the detail in the photo purposely, while not drawing distracting attention to it. It's there, and it's gone, the eye sees it, registers in, and doesn't confuse it with what's more important. These are small tips and tricks more associated with style rather than photographic etiquette, but then again, if you truly believe photographic etiquette exists, then you're limiting yourself to a cramped area of photography that leaves little room for advancement in both skill and other's appreciation for your talent. No matter how great it is, everything can get boring.


I think I like Rule 7 the most. A teacher of mine had asked us to do a project in our Typography class (study of letters and glyphs/characters, how fonts are used, as well as how they're made), and we had to use certain rules and what not and make ALL of the rules work harmoniously together... We were in 3rd term, so naturally everyone knew the rules like the back of their hand.


The second part of the project was to do the exact same thing, except breaking all the rules. I can tell you first hand that when you have more than 3 or 4 rules to follow, trying to break them all together is harder than following a rule outline.


Something to keep in mind.



I really really wish I had a camera now, so that I could take better pictures of whatever it is I want, but I don't have that kind of money right now. I'm looking into it one I'm on salary.


(D300) + (18-200 VR lense) + (2 x 4gb Extreme III card) + (extra battery and battery grip) + (well built pro-tripod) + (remote shutter release) + (SB800 flash)


This is going to take a while :icon50:


If you guys need tips or advice, whether technical or regarding artistic opinion, I think we have more than enough talent on this forum to get a good idea and take in some great suggestions. Keep up the great work guys, I look forward to updates on this thread all the time :-D And bring on a happy new year!



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Me on my second day of TIG welding with about 8 hours of practice total.(after a year of stick welding...)



Neither of these have had any colors changed...Just stuck together as one file. No filters in front of the camera either.

Taken with a 1.3 megapixel Fuji finepix

It was TOP of the line when new...LOL

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I took these photos in aperture priority mode working with around 7.1 or 8 aperture opening. The morning was really gray and hazy and I wanted to clear the picture up, but still maintain the mood. I love skies for some reason. The skies out here a great. They don't actually look like that, but they're close. I did a little linear curve adjustment to the pictures to bring the colors in the sky out, darken the blacks a bit and give a smoother look to the faces. The images look darker here than they do in the original finished work. The downside to uploading pics to a place like photobucket is they cut the image size down and compress it which offsets things a bit. Unfortunately I only have one lens for Nikon D40x and it's the 18-55mm kit lens that came with it. I don't have any filters so all my adjustments are done in UFRaw and GIMP (I don't pay for software when there's good free substitutes). Because I take all my shots in RAW format I get a full range of the image information and I can software adjust exposure and lighting. The images are bit dark because I thought the skies looked better contrasting a more somber mood throughout the image. Eh, artistic impression, gotta love it...lol

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I really really wish I had a camera now, so that I could take better pictures of whatever it is I want, but I don't have that kind of money right now. I'm looking into it one I'm on salary.


(D300) + (18-200 VR lense) + (2 x 4gb Extreme III card) + (extra battery and battery grip) + (well built pro-tripod) + (remote shutter release) + (SB800 flash)


This is going to take a while :icon50:





Nice lens choice, but that thing is expensive! Not to mention the D300 is several thousand in itself.

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