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Viper vs. Ferrari


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He probably could have stuck that corner had he not slammed on the damned brakes. He was probably looking at his lead in the rearview and wasn't paying attention. I think that race would have been garbage results anyhow. It really wouldn't have said anything about the cars, just the drivers.

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I have seen that one quite a few times over the last couple years...he must be a race car driver...the only way he would of locked up that way is if he had tapped on the breaks like a race car driver instead of stomping on them...Thats why I hate antilock!...when I play on the track I dont have it and I tap tap tap, and then I am in my dd w antilock and I tatp tap tap and confuse the ♥♥♥♥ out of my car and I lock up....at least the guy didn't die...I love the canyons! http://www.freewebs.com/flippinmiata/


that's the last race car!


Angeles Crest is amazing!

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wow, something aux posted that I've actually seen before. Been surfing the shallow end of the net lately aux? Or have I just been going that deep lately?


When I first saw this video I was like "wow, one of them is gonna loose if for sure"... sure enough...

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Once you hang a tire off into the dirt while locked up, you're no longer a driver, you're a passenger... He should've gotten off the binders while still on the pavement. He'd have stuck the corner. That guy clearly panicked and froze.


Dumbasses should have found a nice ROAD COURSE to test their skills (or lack of) on and not the public highways... I think I've drive that piece of road (if it's north LA) and it's not a "safe" one to drive at those speeds...


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