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So who wishes they were into Warcraft now!


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lmao that is unreal. I know from past personal experience that WoW can take over your life but I never imagined anything like this.


Reminds me of the crackhead skits "Cmon man, I'll suck yo d***!!"


I suppose its safe to say that blizzard made one HELL of a game when woman are willing to whore themselves out and "anyone will do..just have the gold"



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Guest l28et

I hate these WOW idiots more and more everyday. Our superindentent is a WOW loser. He took 2 weeks leave when the expansion pack came out - what grown man does this!?


Stupid game, stupid addiction...

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It is an escape to a different “world†they get stuck trying to reach the next level. I can relate to the desire to improve (like our cars) but the level of addiction of some people is ridicules. I’ve lost 2 friends and a little brother to WoW. One guy neglects his 3 kids, wife, and job for it. He has to be playing 60+ hours a week.

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WOW I never realized WOW was so addicting. Everybody needs an escape once in awhile from life but that is going to far in my book and now they are hiding from life. Oh well to each his own.


But back to the topic I would have to see more photos before I would start to play WOW to get 5k gold.

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My younger brother was seriously into this game last year ... but then again he was fighting off cancer at the time, stuck at home with my parents (he loves his freedom and being away at college). So for him, it was a nice escape and a good way to pass the time when he couldn't (or really shouldn't) be out in public with his white cell count low. Now he is back at college, cancer free and still plays, but nothing close to what would be considered addicting ...


Now as far as Counterstrike ... my best friend went outta college after the first year with a .9 GPA ... the guys is super smart to; top 10% of the class and all that. Beer and computer games ... not a good combination when put into excess.

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It is an escape to a different “world†they get stuck trying to reach the next level. I can relate to the desire to improve (like our cars) but the level of addiction of some people is ridicules. I’ve lost 2 friends and a little brother to WoW. One guy neglects his 3 kids, wife, and job for it. He has to be playing 60+ hours a week.


This is what I don't understand! There is a high level (currently 70 I think) that two of my roommates got to pretty fast after the expansion, and yet they don't stop playing. One of them failed out of engineering here at U of A because of this stupid game and the other is going from a chill social person to a recluse like the first...


I hate this game.


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Guest TeamNissan

I wouldnt touch her with a broom stick lol. Its been my experience Ugly women will whore themselves for just about anything, dont blame wow haha.

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