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Pot smoke


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So assholes below me are smoking weed on a regular basis. In their bedroom, with windows open. So the smoke goes up into my bedroom, and I have to shut the window so I don't smell that ♥♥♥♥. Right now it's very warm in here, and i want some cooling. However, I can't open the window and turn my fan on, because then my room will be filled with smell of burnt weed


Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on pot smokers, and for that matter, I don't care, but be damn respectful of others. Stoners aren't generally aggressive, but these neighbors are assholes. Loudmouths in a tight apartment complex, drunk yelling parties at 2am on saturday.


My options are...


1. police.

2. apt manager.

3. baked goods. by that, I'm not making enemies, and leaving a note suggesting they use the brownie mix box I provide to bake their weed and eat it, rather than smoke it.



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Just talk to them. Most probably they will be very laid back people. LOL Tell them your situation and ask them to do something about it. Either go outside the building and do it, or make them do it in the house, close the window, and turn on the fan or something like that. Also find out if its for medicinal purposes.


I don't know how the cops are in the Bay Area, but I doubt they would do much since marijuana is used left and right in the Bay Area. If they were growing it it would be a completely different story.


By the way, if they bake brownies instead of smoking it, it will make your problem even worse.

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Guest TeamNissan

Ya do that, then always have to worry about what your disgruntled neibors are planning since you got them locked up lol.


Thats why I say talk 1st. If someone asks me to turn the music down or not smoke in a certain area thats all fine and well and I'll respect it 100%. If some one tries to trick me ad gets me in trouble with no warning? Going to be one sorry person.

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no, they're not nice and talkative laid back people. they're assholes. i've tried being civil before. when I asked them politely to tone it down at 2am while trying ot sleep, the bitch yelled back "why don't you come down and say that to my face?"


i responded with that i'd rather sleep.

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Guest TeamNissan

I would go to ever apt around thiers and ask if other people are tired of it as well then I would make up a petition and talk to the apt manager in person. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with people like that.

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I am a smoker, and these guys sound like plain assholes. it sucks to call the cops on anyone, but it might put the fear of god into them if you forced them to have to flush their stash one night. Talk with the neighbors first, and talk to them face to face and give them the proverbial "one last chance." Maybe send them the brownie mix and tell them quiet down, or else.. kind of a joke and a threat at the same time.


But generally speaking, from the smokers standpoint, screw these jerks. They make those of us who are peaceful and respectful citizens look bad. Not wanting to smell weed at a concert is one thing, but not wanting to get a contact high in your own house is another. They are invading your personal privacy with THEIR habit in behaving this way, and its natural for you to want to defend that privacy. On behalf of other "dopers," thank you for being so tolerant of them thus far.

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If you are smelling it, others probably are as well.

Perhaps, let them know the the scent is very strong and that they should consider keeping the window closed.


I would try this approach with them. Maybe tell them it inflames your hay fever. It might be they just need to keep one particular window closed.


You could also go to a surplus store or home depot and get some filter cartridges for a gas/dust mask and give those to them. Ask them to exhale through those. They trap 100% of the smoke.


We had such a problem with the pot heads on the ship taking those off the gas masks that I use to leave extra ones in the damage control lockers.


If none of that works then apartment manager it is.

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Guest Death69

just talk to em. i toke daily and when it bothers people, i prefer that they tell me because every stoner worries about cops and if someone talks to em, they are more likely to try something different. oh yea, and baking makes everything smell like buds for a long time. I make some brownies once a month for me and my friends and i live in a house and my neighbors (both stoners, and our houses are only like 15 feet apart. god bless California) said that they could smell it. just talk to em, most smokers might seem weird but are good people

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no, they're not nice and talkative laid back people. they're assholes.[ /quote]


If you know they they're a' holes then just call the cops, why are you even considering being nice to people who are rude to you? If you don't want them to know who called, then call in anonymously.

Or if you wanna mess with them buy a police siren and turn it on full blast by their window when you smell the weed. That should get their adrenaline running and keep em' more paranoid.:willy_nil

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they're assholes.

They don't own, or plan on owning.....O I don't know? A Datsun/Nissan car and might look to the web for help, and stumble across this site. That would be funny, and bad!!


The Police might be the only answer? But you would have to make sure they never got the idea that it was you that called.

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Go buy some skunk scent at the local sporting goods store or online. look it up, it's cheap, like under $20. Go to the grocery store and get you a sponge, cheap kind. Late at night or early AM when they are asleep, cut the spong into very small pieces, like the size of a dime, soak with skunk essense, put in the vent louvers of their car(s). It'll drive them nuts when they drive and they will never find it. After awhile the smell will wear off and no damage will be done. You might try it in the window sill of their apt as well.

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