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What is with the ads?


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You guys just have to wait a little bit for the ads to become content related. Pretty soon we will see automotive stuff up there relevant to the thread you are reading. For example, if you are reading a thread about aluminum radiators, there may be an ad for Fluidyne or Flex a Lite, etc. Just give it some time, you guys might end up liking them. All i can say is, its about time this site rolls in some dough. :-D

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You guys just have to wait a little bit for the ads to become content related. Pretty soon we will see automotive stuff up there relevant to the thread you are reading. For example, if you are reading a thread about aluminum radiators, there may be an ad for Fluidyne or Flex a Lite, etc. Just give it some time, you guys might end up liking them. All i can say is, its about time this site rolls in some dough. :-D




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Can you move the ads to the bottom of the page at least? They are super distracting and look out of place in their current location.




- Greg -



Just download Mozilla FireFox and dump that POS browser IE, and you can then add the add-on the free extension called AdBlock Plus, then you will never have to worry about Banner Adds, Pop Ups etc. again...

I don't see any Banner adds, on any forums!


I will never go back to Internet Explorer again, on any computer. FireFox is where its at!! ay.gif

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David is absolutely correct, give it some time.

Also Google approached me, not the other way around.

As a matter of fact they left 5 voice mails and sent me numerous emails wanting to talk to me.

I talked to Google today and had to ask why they were so persistent about wanting us to add adsense to our site.

The gentleman that I talked to said that our site was identified as a site containing “unique and high quality information” and that a large number of auto related companies have been requesting to have there adds posted on HybridZ.


So, here is the plan.

We are going to try this for a couple of months and see how it goes.

My goal as explained to Google was that if we can generate enough monthly revenue to support our site and eliminate the member donation support and if it is not annoying / obtrusive then we will keep it otherwise we dump it.

At the end of our little 90 day test I will start a poll to get feedback from the members on what they think and share the results.

Please note, I will be making changes to the layout of the ads over the next few days so please do not freak out if you see an ad that looks to large or annoying etc.



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Thank you for the clarification of what is going on.


In regards to the ads. Have your thought about, or would you entertain, the following?...


I’m sure ads on any level wont please even 75% of the members, but I’m sure the members will put up with quite a bit, especially if the donating members have some involvement or at least a teeny voice in what is displayed/sold to us, and to what group it is displayed, (i.e. the “Intimate date” ad, a bit risque..)


Option #1;

Donating members are allowed ad free access, same ole Hybrid that we are used to. Non donating members view the forum in its current iteration with the ads, (I’ve seen other sites offer this, i.e. become a donating member and no ads).


Option 2;

Place limits on the ads that do show up for those donating members, maybe on a sliding scale? The more you donate annually, the fewer ads you have to wade through to read about performance Datsuns. Non donating members get ALL the ads. That in itself is incentive to become a donating member.



Option 3;

No-ads forum… In trying to read between the lines here, seeing ads on Hybrid unannounced, does give the impression that Hybrid Z is need of more financial support. First, I want to make it perfectly clear that we all appreciate the effort in both time and finances that Super Dan and the other admins and moderators make to keep this forum alive and the quality forum that it is. Thank you Dan. Thank you admins and moderators.


Now, if the forum could use more financial assistance, being as it has some 8000 member’s, how much $$ per member is needed to help keep it afloat and justify its existence? I for one would be more than glad to up my donations at least another $10 a year. The wealth of info we glean from this forum is worth way more than most memberships paid. How about the non donating members? Can you guys swing the minimum donation annually? (I feel like I’m doing one of those OPB membership drives now).


Thanks again Dan for the heads up.


Paul Ruschman

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What do I have to donate to make it go away? If I have a radiator question I don't need to see radiator ads, I know where to get them. Google came looking cause the information they glean from this new exposure is valuable to them, not so much for us.

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