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Accident this past weekend. Totaled my Z.


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It was a bad weekend. My brother fell asleep at the wheel and crashed my Z. Thanks god everyone survived and will recover 100%. So long BruceZee. The Z has been with me for exactly 10 years. I thought I can negotiate with the insurance company to get the car back to salvage some good parts. But from the pictures it looks pretty bad. So I am not going to bother bringing it home.


I also want to remind everyone about what you should do if you feel sleepy at the wheel. Just pull over and take 5 or 10 minutes break and it will save your live.


I want to wait until my brother and his kids to come home before I post this. So they are home now. Thanks god.


Click on the link to see pictures



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Wow. I don't know what to say. I don't even want to think about what I'd feel like if one of my family got hurt in a crash like that. Makes you realize just what is important. I'm glad no one was seriously injured. As for the wonderful car......I'm sure the next one will be 10 times better :)



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Sorry about the link. I've just fixed it. You can see pictures of the car now.


Yes thanks god everyone survived with just broken bones here and there. Thank you all for the kind words.



Cars can be replaced, People can't.


Best wishes to your family for a speedy recovery.

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I crashed my 72 240 in 1980 first year of college.

Took me 15 years to get another one and have not stopped since.


Yes firefighters love to get out the cutting tools, but in their defense they have certain rules and procedures to follow to make sure everyone is safe.

I get to see them do that everyday and you think, another totaled car.


My dad told me cars can be replaced, people cannot. Hug your family then start looking for your next project. Just don't wait as long as I did.



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