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wooden shifter!!! sucks


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:evil: so i buy this shifter a couple weeks ago and i finally put it on and WOW does it suck, i ordered it from msa.. not that its their fault.. but damn!! it rattles just as bad as its 30 year old original what the @#$!!! anyways what is so hard about selling QUALITY parts for the POPULAR datsun z? i mean for the price that we pay for parts for our cars you would think that the quality would actually be SOMEWHAT decent.. i've had this problem with my urethane bushings, my suspension, my weatherstriping kit, and all types of other things.. the old nissan stuff wasn't that bad and if i had the choice i would buy it new.. everything is just either overpriced or just crappy...


sorry for the rant but if your looking for an old z shifter DON"T buy the wooden one from msa.. the z doesn't line up it rattles like crazy and yeah it is a better design then the pistol grip or whatever but i'm sure there are better shifters out there just not this one


man its frustrating that this shifter sucks:evil: this makes me so angry!! i hate spending money on the same thing twice


i'm talking about the actuall knob

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well the knob man the wooden knob... it sucks and i hate it... all i want is a knob that just works.. all of the "universal" knobs spin around b/c you can't tighten them enough around the actuall shifter.. and as i said earlier the wooden one is not lined up properly and it vibrates and rattles like crazy!!! its noisy ass hell and i don't have carpet or sound deadening, with a loud exhaust..

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have you tried to make it work, like mcguyver'd it, i know with some aftermarket shift knobs, like the autozone ones, the plastic adapter doesn't work, so i wrapped my shifter in electrical tape, shoved the knob on and tightened it down, and it worked okay, didn't rattle. you could spin it if you put some muscle too it, but then again, you can break anything with enough muscle...except an FJ20 block :)

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...all of the "universal" knobs spin around b/c you can't tighten them enough around the actuall shifter.. and as i said earlier the wooden one is not lined up properly and it vibrates and rattles like crazy!!! ...


Have you tried installing a jam nut below the knob? Then you can clock it where you want and it shouldn't rattle if the jam nut is tight up against it.



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Hehe.. I pulled mine off in a downshift into a turn(on the racetrack).

I will only use threaded knobs from now on. I double checked the construction of the factoy replacement to ensure that does not happen again.


LOL, been there myself with an old Mr. Gasket shifter in my AMX. Did you see that guy on Pinks that forgot to lock his quick disconnect steering wheel and pulled it off at the launch? Too funny.

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yeah i'm thinking that i might just go ahead and put some silicone in there and let it sit.. hopefully when it dries, it wont rattle.. i purchased an autozone knob and yes i did try the ol electric tape/ doubling up the plastic inserts thing or whatever but it didn't work very well and feels very loose all of the time... it very annoying so i would rather have the screw on type that won't come off in spirited driving but i guess i'll either have to but another knob from msa or source a similar one that would fit from somewhere else

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I bought one of these from MSA about two years ago (they were $13 at the time). Specifically, the 240z walnut one. The metal threaded insert was glued into the knob, and it has not rattled or come off in two years of daily driver use. I dunno if they changed suppliers or what, but mine was (is) excellent.

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