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This movie was total garbage. The monster was stupid looking, the "cinematography" (if you can call one guy with a handy cam shaking it all over the place that...) made it almost unwatchable. There was actually a motion sickness warning at the box office...I found I had to let my vision go out of focus slightly and pretty much just listen to it in order to avoid nausea.


Plus, they thought they were so clever with their cryptic viral marketing campaign, and it seems they put so much effort into that that the actual movie sort of went by the wayside.


The best part of this movie for me was the Hellboy 2 trailer at the beginning, and of course the ending credits letting me know it was over.


I'm with TeamNissan, there wasn't a single original plotpoint (giant monster attacking city: check. giant monster that drops small versions of itself to make a nuisance: check small band of survivors that slowly gets smaller due to attrition: check abrupt ending with minimal resolution: check...looks like we got most of it covered)


As a side note, the nachos and soda I had weren't bad, so it wasn't a total waste.

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Well. I'd better watch it. nobody said it was acctually a BAD movie. So I guess it couldn't hurt then.


THIS MOVIE SUCKED!!!!!! the damn handy cam gave me a headache.



Here's how i describe it. Its like one of those gong show acts that's going to be gonged but hurries there act and ends just before getting gonged!!!! i nearly walked out but there was a bit of curiosity on how it was going to end... when it did finally end i wished i walked out. I was literally pissed off for the rest of the day that i actually couldn't wait to see this movie and that i wasted a night out with the family on this movie.

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Either you REALLY hate it or REALLY love it, I don't think it is possible to go either way.


I have been a sci fi junkie since I can remember, and I think the movie was a breath of fresh air. No prologue with preface, no "Hero, Coward, Cynic [read that on some review]", and the movie was entirely focused on the party folk.

Yes, that camera gave me a headache at times, but it was to immerse the viewer into the sitaution. Work for me, I was jazzed to watch such a creative movie. Seriously, how many movies don't kill the monster, kill most of the cast, and don't give any excuses?


For the record, I wasn't exposed to any of the "viral" marketing hype. And thought that AVP2 was ok, because I knew what AVP1 was like :P And it was worth the $4 and change for the matinee. Tops.

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I'm still waiting to see it, although I've seen most of the spoilers online. I've heard that it's left wide open for a sequel. If the studio knows whats good for them, they'll let Big Phil shoot the next one, his videos are always pretty entertaining and not nausea inducing for the most part (Except for all that Coors Light....). That, and the next one definitely should have more:


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ok so i saw this movie friday and i was really mad i spent money on it. i got dizzy, i was confused etc..also i sat in the front cuz we were late.


but i saw it again (long story)

since i was expecting most of the scenes(frantic camera crap) and i sat further back, i was able to focus on the story more and it was pretty dam good.

definately unique...


hud is a g. lol

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To me the scene that sums it up was right after the monster first hits, and rather than escape, everyone is just standing there with camera phones recording...all it needed was for someone to say "this is SO going on youtube..." to make it complete. It felt likes something I could have cranked out at school with Maya and Adobe Aftereffects. We could have just filmed it with a webcam or something, I don't think we even have a camera at school that will let you be that shaky...Even Sci-Fi orginal pictures have better production value than cloverfield.

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So there is DEFINITELY a monster! Cool 945 tonight I'm going. It better be worth the $60 per person, cause I must have popcorn... :icon55:


hahah, or else it'd be like 30 per person, which is still a killing.


If you guys are saying it's meant to be watched in the theaters, which is what I've heard for a bunch of movies lately, I'm starting to get convinced that movies are more about wow factor now than they are substance.


made-for-theater films? i'll pass. LOL.


I did hear Cloverfield was both good and so-so, and the newspaper this morning said it was poor. Then again I don't watch movies unless I'm at someones house who's watching.

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Guest bobdoles_monkey

cloverfield did/is make bank and yes its all thanks to there viral marketing. i read some where that the budget was only 30mil and thats theres a whole hidden story behind it (which i did look into) and it makes me hate the movie even more. plus i dont even know if its real cause of the viral marketing lol.

for some reason i thought the monster was going to be a giant bunny that eats people cause it thinks they're chocolate. how did i come to that conclusion? its even beyond me but after seeing the monster i wished it was a cute adorable 200ft killer bunny.

at least cloverfield gives way to new humor

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Wife and I just got back from this motion picture. Twenty minutes in, we were ready to walk out. Decided to hang in there instead. What a mistake.


I've seen worse, but not very damn many.

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