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Miller TIG welders.


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I'm going to the local welding stores to check up on the prices they have on used Miller Syncrowave 200's.


A rep at my work said he could bring me a list, but I haven't seen him since. I stopped by the Airgas store today, and they're only open M-F.


So, there is another store locally that I can check out during the week.


From what I've seen online, they go for about 1,990$ NEW shipped.


I'm hoping I can get one used for closer to $1,000, but they do tend to hold their value.



Anyone ever used the Syncrowave 200? I'm not worried about the performance for DC, but more along the lines of AC for aluminum. I know it has square wave. How about the balance control, is it automatic or can I adjust it?


Thanks for any input.

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Everything I've heard about the 180/200 Syncrowaves has been good. They are a dandy little machine for steel, and they will do aluminum. But if aluminum is your primary goal, I'd look at a 250. I did some repair on a wheel, and it took 200 amps just to get it to melt in well. I've got a Precision TIG 275, so it would hold 200.

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I have a Miller Syncrowave 180SD and I LOVE IT. I mostly weld aluminum and it works great, you can get by with almost everything you need to do in a home shop with a 180. The only time I have maxed it out was welding on my cast intercooler tanks that were prolly in the range of 3/16+ inches thick. I think the 200 would be a perfect choice, alittle more umph then the older 180 and alot more features.


Also everybody raves about having a water cooled torch, but in a home garage I dont think its that big of a deal....I rarely get the torch hot enough I have to stop welding. If I was going to buy a new unit though its something i would definitly think about getting. I use a WP9 flex head torch to do all my welding, its can handle short bursts of 180amp stuff.


My unit is prolly 5 years old or so and works perfect, I bought it used with very low hours (looked like new) for 1200 dollars about 3 years ago. Several of my friends work in racing/fab shops and weld all day long and they rave about miller...they use the dynastys though $$$$. But anyway after my personal experience and hearing about hte machines from my buddys Miller is the only brand welding machine I would buy.


While Im plugging miller I also have a Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme plasma cutter. Its is an amazing tool!! It only weighs 18lbs and can sever 5/8" steel with ease, after using some cheaper units i am blow away at how well this little thing works.

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Ok, stopped at the Airgas store today.


I was told in house special for me is $1,964.00 for a brand new Syncrowave 200 running gear package (wheel/handle attachments $2-300 option)


I don't think they'll get many used Syncrowave 200's because they're kind of new. And the new ones have a 2 year warranty.


I'll probably pick it up after I get my taxes back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

get something upwards in the 250amp range,


I have a Miller Dialarc HF 250. and it works really really good on everything and you don't want to be running your welder at high duty cycles all the time. the only time i have came close to maxing out my welder was when i was welding my friends RB26 oil pan, shut where the differential shaft used to go across the oil pan. but for all the other stuff it does it like cake, you know what they say.


Over Kill never Fails

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I have a Syncrowave 250. For most aluminum work your going to be in the upper ranges on the 200. You will have to do a lot more preheating with a torch with the 200. The 250s are much easier to find used.


Either way used or new I'd get the 250.



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I would agree with derek on the 250, it would be nice to have the extra room. But I will also add I havent not been able to weld anything with my 180SD.


I just stopped in MWS on friday and they had a used Dynasty 200 for 2 g's, did not include a water cooler, but had the badass torch with thumb control built in. It was used by a local NASCAR team and was in really good shape.

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I have a Syncrowave 200 and also love the machine. I weld mostly .25 and under aluminum and it works just fine. Check around on the prices though, my shop is 17 miles from the Miller factory and when I bought the best price was from a company in New Jersey. So my welder was shipped from Wisconsin to New Jersey and then back for a cheaper price than the local dealer would sell it for. And we wonder why business needs bailout money. Idiots!!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

miller just came out with a new welder just for automotive purposes. its the diversion 165. obviously a 165 amp ac/dc but it honestly does everything i need. does up to 1/4 inc steel/stainless and aluminum. aluminum just takes much longer but i love it so far. great torch on it great for doing inter cooler piping exhaust frames ect cost me 1325 out the door

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  MoNkEyT88 said:
See, I am a Miller guy.


Also, Miller is only about 20 miles from where I live. Supporting the local economy. :icon6:


well thats understandable i guess but miller is like ford and lincoln is like chevy for me and i have welded with both and i like the lincoln better but if your supporting your local economy praises to you anything someone can do to better the economy is a good man haha

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I got a Diversion 165 recently. I was in the market for a used 200/250, but couldn't find any deals near me. So, I bought a new Diversion. Don't like not being able to unplug the torch line and ground wire from the machine, but other than that it is awesome.

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