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This is kind of like shoving a 426 into a Z


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I think I'd much rather have a T/C Contender or a Remington XP100:




They're available in much more powerful calibers and would actually be accurate too. A buddy of mine had a Contender when I was a kid. He had a .223 and .44 mag barrel. It was a fun gun, and I really liked that you could switch barrels (hence calibers) within 10 or 15 minutes.

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old hat. Afganistani tribesmen have been doing that to Martini Henry .303s since it was still the Indian Punjab and not yet split to Afganistan and Pakistan.


Cheaper to kill a british soldier or sepoy and nick his rifle than to kill a british officer and nick his .455 webley. Mostly the bullet was pulled and the powder split in half and half tipped back in and the bullet seated home again.

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  auxilary said:
just to clarify, you guys realize that's a mosin nagant 91/30 cut down into a pistol, right? :)

And the XP100 is a Remington 700 cut down to a pistol, and the TC is a breakopen pistol too. All take high power rifle bullets. Much bigger than 7.62x39


I hadn't seen the Savage before, but it looks like it is similar to the Remington. I do like Savages though. Just got to shoot a friend's .223 with heavy barrel and the accustock deal. Pretty impressive.

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  jmortensen said:
I think I'd much rather have a T/C Contender or a Remington XP100:




They're available in much more powerful calibers and would actually be accurate too. A buddy of mine had a Contender when I was a kid. He had a .223 and .44 mag barrel. It was a fun gun, and I really liked that you could switch barrels (hence calibers) within 10 or 15 minutes.

Yah, but you can't build those for 90 bucks plus some hacksaw time :P


and JM, it's 7.62x54R, a far more manly cartridge than x39 ;)


speaking of x39 though, I need another case or two of it, along with some 5.45....

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  thetremendoustim said:
my 91/30 leaves bruises after a few hundred rounds so +1 on the 54 > 39 comment


Also, that looks photochopped a little on the handle.


I'm taking mine to the San bernardino Forest this sunday to sight it in and get rid of these pie tins ^.^


Yeah, the video is photoshopped too :)





2nd from right - 54R (mosin). 3rd from right- 39 :)

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OK, so it's a 54 and not a 39. It's still not a big deal in the world of hand cannons, and the idea of cutting down a bolt gun to make a pistol isn't a new thing either. They're cool when they're done right, I just can't see myself doing it like that. The Contender or the Savage on the other hand...

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Just yesterday I took a "sporterized" Mosin Nagant left to me by my Grandfather when he passed away and let my 14 year old son shoot it, old 200gr. military surpus junk ammo, 4 out of 5 in the 10 ring at 100 yards off of a bench with iron sites, not too shabby, he likes it better than the 30-06 700 BDL that I had bought for him to use this whitetail season, the crazy kid prefers open sites and I could have bought several Nagants for what that one Remington cost, ahhh kids....


The thing shoots pretty straight, has some kind of aftermarket walnut stock and a plain barrel with a blade front site pinned on it. less push than a 30-06 or 7mm Magnum and way less than a .300 win mag I have. I also got a Mauser K-98 from the same Grandfather marked 8mm Mauser, complete with bayonet, but haven't fired it yet, it's in decent shape so it might go up on the wall.


Old military firearms are great, I have a WW2 vintage .455 Webley revolver I haven't shot in forever too.


In related HybridZ fire arm news, I bought a RRA AR-15 with a 20" bull barrel and topped with a Leupold 20x Gold Ring scope, it's just about the most accurate auto loader I've ever fired, knocked the center out of every 8" target I shot at this weekend at 100, 150, 200 and 250 yards, shooting 55gr remington "hydro-shok" rounds. Amazing little rifle, but WAY nose heavy with that long bull barrel on it. Should do great on the feral hogs in West Texas.


Aaaaand... back to Z cars! :mrgreen:

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OOOOOH MAN. You all need to be extremely careful putting that stuff on the web. ATF will have your balls and your gun, if they catch you shortening a rifle.


I make personal use guns *occasionally*, and these are the ATF rules:


Once a rifle, always a rifle. Even if you cut the barrel off, change to a pistol stock, blah blah blah. If your rifle has less than a 16" barrel, it's considered a short-barreled-rifle, and is subject to National Firearm Act rules. It WILL get you into BIG trouble. Or you can fill out a LOT of paperwork, pay a 200$ tax, and some more paperwork, and own an SBR.


On top of that, a firearm is considered the barrel-able receiver. The stock is mostly irrelevant, once the receiver is complete enough to have a barrel put on it, it's a gun. If the barrel is greater than 16", even if it is never fired with that barrel, or you take it off and put a shorter barrel on it, it is a RIFLE. However, if you have a virgin receiver, never barreled, or registered, EVER, then you can make a pistol out of it, since it has never been a firearm.


Again, not to piss in anyone's cheerios, but be careful with this stuff, especially putting it on the web. It's really easy to get into big trouble with shortening rifles into pistols, or even shortening a stock too far.

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Well, I don't particularly care, since it's not my gun, and not my video :)


All my firearms are compliant with 922r and NFA, and nothing is illegal, all purchased and registered legally, stored in a DOJ approved safe. My butt's covered

  Xnke said:
OOOOOH MAN. You all need to be extremely careful putting that stuff on the web. ATF will have your balls and your gun, if they catch you shortening a rifle.


I make personal use guns *occasionally*, and these are the ATF rules:


Once a rifle, always a rifle. Even if you cut the barrel off, change to a pistol stock, blah blah blah. If your rifle has less than a 16" barrel, it's considered a short-barreled-rifle, and is subject to National Firearm Act rules. It WILL get you into BIG trouble. Or you can fill out a LOT of paperwork, pay a 200$ tax, and some more paperwork, and own an SBR.


On top of that, a firearm is considered the barrel-able receiver. The stock is mostly irrelevant, once the receiver is complete enough to have a barrel put on it, it's a gun. If the barrel is greater than 16", even if it is never fired with that barrel, or you take it off and put a shorter barrel on it, it is a RIFLE. However, if you have a virgin receiver, never barreled, or registered, EVER, then you can make a pistol out of it, since it has never been a firearm.


Again, not to piss in anyone's cheerios, but be careful with this stuff, especially putting it on the web. It's really easy to get into big trouble with shortening rifles into pistols, or even shortening a stock too far.

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All my firearms are compliant with 922r and NFA, and nothing is illegal, all purchased and registered legally, stored in a DOJ approved safe.


Uhhhh...., that reminds me: All of my cars are completely street-legal and pass smog. I always obey all traffic laws and never exceed the posted speed limit. Any modifications done to my vehicles are solely for safety and fuel economy reasons and are not performance enhancements.


Whew -- glad I got that on the record!




Oh yeah, one more thing: I report all my income to the IRS too....

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  Jon 74 260Z said:
Uhhhh...., that reminds me: All of my cars are completely street-legal and pass smog. I always obey all traffic laws and never exceed the posted speed limit. Any modifications done to my vehicles are solely for safety and fuel economy reasons and are not performance enhancements.


Whew -- glad I got that on the record!




Oh yeah, one more thing: I report all my income to the IRS too....


well, there's a difference between committing a felony (firearms modifications) vs. not running cats on your car. One of them gets you in prison, the other one simply doesn't allow your car to pass smog. There is a member on HBZ that wound up serving time in Oregon for misc firearms issues, and if memory serves, he didn't really do anything drastic

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