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STOLEN: Blue 280z in Downtown San Jose

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I'm in San Jose...I'll be keeping an eye out for you...Hopefully they didn't get too far with the clutch problem you are having. By any chance, you know what car they came in? Sometimes you'll find the missing car not to far from their car..It can be a "joyride" car for them so they might end up parking it close to where they live. I'm definately going to be putting an alarm on my car once I get it back. Hope it really turns up soon. Can you make out their race by any chance? Certain races will hang out in certain areas which this car may be at.

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  Cheesecakepiebar said:
This may merit further investigation:



If you google the phone number it comes back with an address. It might be worth a drive by to check it out, just in case.


Good luck getting your car back!


Called and spoke to a woman, says its a green from a type of Lexus line. Not the car unless its been painted already, which is doubtful. Ill keep an eye out on CL for parts for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, car was found in Cupertino behind some mall last Monday. Insurance adjuster is coming tomorrow to come asses.




Fools took the smoked signals, wheels/tires, stereo, speakers and center console, strut braces, and a bunch of interior trim.






But they left basically everything that's hard to get or expensive (coilovers, bumpers, engine, zx 5speed and diff)


They could have messed it up a lot more so I think I got off easy.


The thing that pisses me off the most is that the forklift that courtesy tow yard used to move my car around totally crushed the lower tank of my radiator. Now I have to replace that too!

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Just keep on the look out for those strut braces. I'm sure they had something on them that made them unique in like a dumb way, just so you could tell they were yours. Go to every z meet close. Obviously has to be a z car owner or somebody that knows z's. Took only parts good for a z car except the speakers and radio.

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Good to know you got your car back. I'm in San Jose too, but my car is always parked on the driveway so hopefully that deters any retard from stealing it.


For the other person who mentioned finger printing the car, it's pointless unless the police officer taking the report did so at the time of the report. The Z does have some good spots for taking prints, but it's probably all smeared or tampered with by now.


Most officers from my experience are too lazy to take prints from cars because they think it's a waste of time....that and they don't want the powder getting all over the place...stuff really is a pain in the ass because it gets all over your hands and uniform.

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Hey Grats on getting your car back. Don't let the insurance company screw you over on parts. yeah everything will need to be aftermarket, but at leas tthe car is back in one piece and not torched as is often the case in NM. Suck you lost the rims and the damage to the radiator.


Thieves suck, no 2 ways about it, they just suck.


Little known fact about any S30, you can take a screwdriver insert it into the ignition an whack it w/ a hammer, and vroom, starts right up unless you have an ignition kill alarm. So if you're going to put any kind of $ into your Z, please consider getting a good alarm.


That's how they stole my old 280Z, but I got mine back a week later, I was driving around n saw it sitting in a lot. Joy riders, they took my old tapes (this was years ago) but never looked in the back to get my tool box. they put 140 miles on it and even put gas in it. Cops finger printed it, but nothing ever came of that. So glad your is okay. I've got a set of old rims off my current 280z if you're interrested, you would need to pay shipping to San jose' but I bet insurance will buy you some watanabi's.. Go for 17's



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