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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. Technique problem maybe, some people ar e harder on the machine than others, I remember when i was a bit yonger, me and severals of my friends had RABBITS and we were practicly all build the same way since back then, there was about only neuspeed that made real parts and some cars always broke and some were astonishingly reliable for beaters like that so, we concluded that it was probably due to driving styles. What'd y'all think??
  2. Sorry, i meant the sunroof being flat in the middle of the crowned roof.
  3. And if they're not the pop out aftermarket style. especially with an round roof like the z, that flat panel in the middle must really look awfull.
  4. I know it's not in the right section but: I don't know, my speedo does'nt work HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! to lazy to replace the cable, more focused in having the car right.
  5. Well my friend, it's not like if it was an easy one either.
  6. Good news, I just baught an cd version of the RB series that covers them all (well the most populars at least) so, when it gets to my door sometime this week or the next, I'll send you everything i have on the 25.
  7. When you look at the damage, I think it could have been worst with the bumper
  8. If you can wait a few more days I have one coming trough the mail, it's an CD version for all RBs exept the 30 so I could e-mail you what you need.
  9. I had seen, a while back, a guy who had built an 1/4 scale Ford 427 with the corresponding R/C AC cobra, this thing was capable of speeds well over a 100 Kph (60 Mph) I don't know if he's part of this group.
  10. Hey Careless, thanks for the hijack!!!!! I offered these engines at this price on THIS SITE ONLY as I'm no the type who makes money on friends's backs. I allready have 3 available on the way, so if you whant 1 just ask, it's gonna be far more simple for you, as you won't have to deal with an guy abroad, the shipping company, custums, port handling and storage untill you go get them. You have to understand that IF you decide to order one, you'll have to go get it in Vancouver as this is the closest port to Canada, otherwise you'll have to pay for the boat to go around America, trough the Panama canal, up the east coast, trough St-Laurent river and to YOUR port, might as well pay someone to buld you one from scratch.
  11. I heard that there are 2 different master cyl. models for the ZX and only one will work, check it out, I think they have both pictures in: BRAKES FAQ http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=103767
  12. I had quite a few corrolas on of them was my first car, donated by my mother, A 1986 sedan FWD it had 255 000Km on it when i got it. close to 500 when I smashed it, the engin was still running srong even though I had beat the hell out of it but the body was so rotted that even with an minor but frontal impact it just surrendered.
  13. Thanks alot ZCARNUT, actually, there are 4 wires comming out but, as you said, 2 of them just splices together further down so, this must be the ground. Thanks to you now, I just have to plug everything and my car should be running with an 76 dizzy and an GM 4pin electronic module (27$ at autoparts) If everything workes good, I figure I could hook up the other (retard) wire to an clock (device that treats, lets say everything under .4V as 0 and everything over as 1V.) witch could be wirred to a nock sensor and have electronic retard on my 73 Z what do you think????
  14. Hi, stupid question here but anyways, the dizzy spins counterclockwise right?
  15. Steve, thanks alot!!! One more thing though, witch way does the dizzy spins? Counterclockwise right?, just checked the unit with my vantage to see if it workes correctly and was wondering because I wanted to know witch wire was signal but now, if you say it's switched via relay, well I guess that the 2 wires that are separate are signal right?
  16. Thanks for that but, getting rid of them is why I bought an 1978 with an internal pick-up instead of points. The thing is, the distributor I got hase 2 pick-ups, does it only increase dwell time?
  17. wow, it's the second time I ask the question, I' tried to ask differently, is because nobody knows or is it because nobody feels like answering.
  18. what do you mean by that, I don't know if my explanation was clear but, go on Sportcompactcarweb.com and do a search for A RALLY FOCUS, I'll try to do the same.
  19. Well thanks, I'll go to sleep smarter tonight.
  20. Hi, anyone can help me here? I just bought an 280Z dizzy to hook it up to an GM module. My question is, why auto. tranny cars have 2 sets of points or pickups and standards get only one, is it to drive the tach or something like that? Cause, the one I bought has 2 and in the write up I'm trying to follow only has one. Can I remove one and use the other or do I need an different dizzy? Thanks, i really need the help, as I don't want to rebuld my old one since I'm soon goiing RB30 and i don't know mutch about carbs and braker points adjustements cause, when i got old enough to understand cars, these gadgets where long gone. I just want elec. ing. for my long wait for the RB.
  21. The thing is that with off road suspension (maybe On3Go could cut in here, since he seems to know about sand rails) there is alot of BUMP damping, but almost no rebound, cause the car spends mutch time in the air, you want he shocks to deploy at full lenght as fast as possible to have the most compression travel at landing, so, i guess it would'nt be good for tarmac. Am i right?
  22. Yes if you don't use the newer heads with the vanos, as it's the vanos itself that don't like downshfts,if you use the heads that comes with the engine you'll be just fine. This is entirerly true, even if you buy the engine for only 500$ you can bet it's only the tip of the iceberg. For an manual tranny that fits, I know that there are some manual tranny that were issued in totaly naked versions of the 750 in saudit arabia so, they do exist.
  23. I'd go one step furher and say, "all the power in the world is useless if you can't keep the car on the road"
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