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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. Well guys you do have some time to find the money as the boat ride across the sea is like a month or so. As soon as i get them, I'll keep you posted. But don't hold your breath for now as you might turn blue in the meantime.
  2. Is your batt. properly secured or can it move around a bit. Cause if it can move, maybe you have shook loose some of the material attached to the grids inside the batt, if that happens the stuff (I don't know how it's called in english) piles up at the bottom of the batt and creates an internal short witch in return will drain your batt without you ever being able to prove it with any multi. or test light. Kind of the same thing that happens when a batt, gets suffated (again not sure about this word in english) but mutch quicker.
  3. That is for sure, this ain't no carbs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, tears, LOL.
  4. Thanks, hav'nt tought about that one, good tip and easier solution than mine.
  5. Hi everybody, I'm currently dealing with a guy in Australia to buy an RB30 bottom and noticed that it won't cost me more to bring in a few here in Canada instead of 1. I'm not really looking to make tons of cash with this but, if I can get mine for almost free, that'd be more than enough for me. I'd probably could go as low as $1050 U.S. + shipping to your place as I'll deal for the "across the globe" shipping.
  6. Just on thing, if you weld steel to stainless, buy an small 2-5 pds stainless wire, this way it'll keep the weld itself to rust, it'll last longer that way. You say you have aluma-coat steel to weld, sand down at least an inch of the coating fromeach side of the jointe as it produces very toxic fumes when it burns, a bit like galvanized (zinc coating) steel.
  7. Well, since I'm a Tech a BMW, if you ever need an rebuild kit, I get it at cost so, you could save a few bucks. That I'll have to check. The only thing though, is that these heads are equipped with vannos and Mr vannos does'nt like to be downshifted, thats why he does'nt live in any M houses. We've had quit a few engines that lifted the whole vannos, valvetronic,cams, rocker.. assembly after a hard downshift (usually accidental) and THIS, costs really big bucks.
  8. Does this mean that I can use the ford tranny if I' use an ford clutch disc or would I then need to have an flywheel and pressure plate custum made? Then again, i gues i should just go search for the poste on your build? P.S.: what car does the WC tranny comes out of???
  9. Air shocks???? more info, you have any web sites? Are these the same system that another company designed for the WRX???
  10. The good thing with the 80 coupe (I think) is that those flares are stock on the turbo version of the car.
  11. Just a small post to put it back on top as i want everybody to see this video, it's truely unbelivable until you see this, remember this car is AWD.
  12. Just posted this to show the guy possibilities, I'm not really fond of the flip-ups myself. Just happened to find this while browsing on E-BAY canada.
  13. Well I meant go to the crap yard, buy an seized alt. for real cheap and use as many as 6 diodes for almost free. For this you could hook up an kill switch for the batt and you hook up everything that needs constant power (alarme, clock, radio...) before the point were you cut thu current and ook the alt. after, this way no more drain and you get to have that nice alarm working. P.S. I work at BMW and every new cars comes with an HELLA batt. kill switch so, if you whant to pay shipping, I can GIVE you 1 + the unit also comes with about 10 ft of 0 ga. batt cable. P.P.S.: open your alt, you may have an skinned wire in there that grounds itself on the casing. it dos'nt take mutch, only one or two strands of one wire touching ground and you have an not so small drain.
  14. Well for numbers, I'll let the L series guys cut-in here, as I'm more into the RB but I know it is a really strong engine that comes from Mercedes or something like that, it was an tractor or truck engine if I'm not mistaking. For cheap Turbine and I/C upgrades + many other giZZmoZ search local junk yards for newer and a bit bigger cars.
  15. The line 5 i s only single turbine and with the right one it's more than enough, this engine is very, very strong as is and has alot of free power to be released. I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere about an rwd version, but maybe it was not a "version" but an "conversion" I'll have to dig on the net find this site. If you whant to see this engine in action, check this out:http://5cylinder.com/main.htm, remember that this car is 4WD and you'll start getting an idea of what I'm talkin about. I'm not try'n to blow smoke up anyone's rearends, this is truely a piece of work. Sorry again for my earlier burst of anger.
  16. Well, it depends on what you mean by real numbers, guys correct me if I'm wrong,but for a streetable car you can expect, with some work, an 230-40 hp.
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, good one, wait till I tell the guys at work monday.
  18. WOW, imagin getting stumped at a light in your Z by an old (but clean looking) brown sedan. I'd hide under a rock at least untill someone tell's me the truth about whats in there.
  19. Still looks rough but as you said, it needs paint but the sound hummmm, there is nothing like an american V8. I allways smile when i hear such big deep sound coming out of sutch a small car, keep it up and keep us posted.
  20. Thanks a lot Mike, lookin' forward.
  21. Ghost in the shell For T.V. shows I remember Goldorak, Albator, Tranzor Z, Voltron, Daimus, the transformers and Captain Flam were my favorits, then came GI-JOE
  22. Can parts be swapped from one T5 to the other, ex.: take the input 24 spline shaft from the datsun and install it into an let's say svo tranny???? EDIT: I just got told by PM by an other member that the Datsun output shaft is not 27 splines but really 26 and ford`s is 28.
  23. Well, I'm not sure about what exactly he's trying to do but, I think he said that he would hook it up INLINE with the alt. not parallel.
  24. Is the rest of your engine stock aside from the turbine cause, it's seems a little optimistic saying "DFINITELY faster" when you compare to an 25psi evo, just asking.
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