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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. Hi, just reread my reply up there, don't know why but, I mistakenly said vanos instead odf valvetronic witch is varable lift. I think I was working on a faulty vanos system a the time and was probably thinking about 2 thing a the same time as ususal. Sorry for the wrong info.
  2. Thanks guys for the info. This site truly is the best.
  3. I searched and did'nt find, you have to know that I'm a frenchie so, maybe I don't type the right key words but, here is my question anyways: Can an 240 fuel tank be installed in an 260 2+2? I'm asking for a fellow z owner who happens to have problems with his 2+2 rotted tanks and he allready has an 240 tank so, will it fit and is there any mods involved? Thanks.
  4. Does anyone have the cd version of the 73 manual, just found my old haynes and boy, the diagrams are so small and being all cramped in one page I'm having trouble making sence of it. I would need the diagrams for the ignition for my 73 z. Thanks.
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! One thing though, here in Canada we have the "TOYOTA ECHO CUP" witch puts all identical hatchback echos againts one an other and since the xB is built on the echo platforme, you shouls start an SPEC xB cup or something alike, THAT! would be hillariaous. P.S.: That little box actually looks quite good, keep it up and keep us posted about that CF roof as eversince I saw the new M6, I whant the CF roof on the Z.
  6. Please people, go back to e-88 FI topic as X64v had a question + myself and maybe other people would be interested in that. ANY info will help.
  7. Pretty sure the tarmac is goin' to crack when you rev. that monster, I agree with everyone else, those flares are neat. Keep it up and give us some vids. when you get it rollin'.
  8. Talk about a real garage, that place is more than great!!!! P.S.: I love your little mazda, what do you have goin' on for it? Me and one of my friends are bulding him an 4wd 1990 protege with turbo, the car looks like crap witch just adds to the fun when we spank some unsuspecting high $$$$ machinery. Be carefull though, if you keep up this pace, you'll need a bigger garage soon LOL. Very happy for you. Enjoy.
  9. Man you would'nt beleive how many of those we have here at BMW I sometime wonder if they even make interviews before hiring. I'm one of the last guys in and probably the one with the most tools. There are 25 years experience guys who borrow me tools and after 3/4 times they get insulted when I say "go get your own, you do it more often than I do." Or guys who take the whole back suspention of to do the brakes cause, the shock is in the way, instead of buying a stupid 7mm ballhead hex socket for $20.
  10. M3!!!!! just because I work at BMW and know the potential of this car in the right hands. + it's just plane awesome, especially in the laguna secca blue or dark silver/gunmetal.
  11. Wow, that's one neat install into an neat chassis. I just poped one open in your honor, keep it up and keep us posted, that's some real fabrication skills you have there.
  12. Well, firs beleive me, I did my homeworks and got the lowest price and more eficient way possible. Shipping is the only way to go and it's better to buy more than one since they charge on volume and not weight, that's what I'm doing. I'm not in it for money, I'm just in it to pay my own block and make other people profit from it. If everything goes well, I might decide to start importing them so, when the time comes, just PM me and we'll talk. Ciao.
  13. I heard rumors of Nissan playing with the idea of a 450Z but, seen nothing else about it.
  14. Well, thanks alot, I'll definitelly take a look at it.
  15. Hi, if anyone need's manual and info on any WEBER carb, just PM me and I'll send it your way, I just baught a cd with info on any weber so, I'd bee glad to share.
  16. Yeah, it's the 5cyl. engin that I'v been talking about on my "did somebody say Audi" tread. It's the radiator that is in the back and the muffler is transversly mounted inside right behind the seats and you can see the road trough the tube frame. One last thing, this golf is more like 900Hp at wheels. This car is evaluated at more than $500 000 U.S.
  17. Well, just finished putting it bavk together, all the parts semed to have a ghost print of the part that was resting straight against it so, after awhile, I managed to get it back together, spinning freely but, the advance mechanisme is still hard to turn. any suggestions?
  18. Well , I started tearing it down and after a few screws, they started to strip so, I got pissed and dug them out with counterclockwise drill bits. When I was done after my half houre lunch brake, I noticed that I did'nt take note of wich side up all the plates and shims were originally so, I'd need some sort of exploded view just to be shure of every thing.
  19. I need to know if the complete tear down and rebuild of the disstributor for the 280Z is present in the Haynes manual, because it's in a box at bottom of an endless pit and I don't whant to dig it for nothing. Thanks.
  20. Ho yeah, I had forgoten about that, only the GTR gets that system so the clutch kits must be mutch more expensive. VW's are like that to I think. Thanks.
  21. Well I think since I'm in Canada the shipping would probably bring it to higher than this price and since I NEED!!!!! shocks very badly so, for now that'll do. Thanks.
  22. Hi, just whant to know, one of my friends can get the GR2's for 270$ where he works, is this a good deal??? Do I need new gland nuts for these or do they come with the inserts??? Thanks.
  23. Can you elaborate a bit, mated what, the tranny I suppose and what is a push type???
  24. That is entirely true, but I'm not sure if you can't reuse the same bolts when you have an cast iron block AND head, since they have the same dilatation coeficient I think the bolts are made not to stretch. Not bragging, just asking.
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