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Everything posted by woldson

  1. I will have to reseach it again, but whole "disk" thing is going away given a few years, they have developed something that will store like a hundred times the capacity of dvd's. Anyhow, hd is poised to increase resolution already. When buying a hd tv, make sure you get one with a Native resolution of 1080! Interlaced and progressive. Ive heard progessive is best, that is what computers are primerily. If you really want to find out how extream tvs will get research "open cable" from cable labs!All tvs are extremly out dated right now. You can still use them, but it will always require a box! If you have any questions feel free to ask! P.S. If the hdmi cables works, you wont get a better pic spending more money!!!!!!!
  2. I went through 4 shucks new (rebuilt) before I got one that lasted more than a month! Garanteed for life, but got tired of changing it!!!!
  3. I had tears from laughing! That was very well written, totaly could envision it!!
  4. Absolutely no offence taken. You definitly got the spirte of my post! I did get to 5800rpm but i could not have been doing 150mph. I was just triing to help out the orignal poster and his grandfather. I like your idea on possible top speeds! BTW felt like driving on ice, lots of lift!!!!!!!!!!! And the wind almost made your ears ring (t-tops off). We also had some wind burn later:)
  5. Look, I have advoided saying this for a long time cuse it seemed impossible based on wiser people them me. So I will conclued it this way..... At that moment in time there must have been a gavitation force of all the planet plus an anomality in the magnetosfera from solar winds all alined at one time to give a grossly impossibe read of my tach crushing my dreams of crossing the 150 bearrer to bits. Now there is a speed limit in Montana. CRAP! I wish there was a chace car with me, sooo sad, sooo sad. I swear,,,,,,,,,,bummer. Well now I cant tell my son confidently that my frist z did that! I feel for starking. I will now cry my self to sleep now. BTW No stories of when I hit 140 in my 86 hatch si on the backside of snowqumlme pass to seattle ethier..........my life sucks now!!!!!!! After re-reading this myself, please just think: tail between legs slinking away butt i swear.......
  6. That is what i figured in my head at the time, but I did not want to say 150. Figured no one would believe me. To add gas to the fire, i averaged 23 mph. Not at that speed but doing a 100mph. Anyhow to tie it into the original thread, I cant wait for my kids to grow up so i can tell them the story! Image, unlimited speed on a freeway! (actually 100 was tops and you better not get caught doing that in a mini van or you were cooked!)
  7. Ok now i might get hammered for this butttt.... I went to Great falls montana back when they had "no speed limits" and with my brother in the car, 82 280zx, i hit about 5800 rpms in fith gear. The car had a Big cam, headers 2 1/2 in exhaust, no cat, max timing, sebring mufferler and electic fan. This was on pretty much still day around 70 degrees and mostly flat run. Remember I had lots of room to top it out. Stock tranny and rear end treated with energy release. N/A. T-tops off. I know that it would fly past 120 compared to my dads 420? v8 mercedes. I always wanted to replace that stupid 85 mph speedo that was off as well. Simple caculations I figured about 140ish. I know this is not a 240 and bigger engine.
  8. Just living in the U.S. makes you richer than 2/3's of the world so watch your back! Hope that fellow gets his beautiful car back!
  9. For what it is worth, steves ac corbra kit car would head to the right under load. He got a four weel alingment and the car habeen straight as an arrow ever since.
  10. My friend and I aways use a industral heated steam cleaner before major rebuild on a car. It is stunning how well it works w/o chemicals. Rent one for a weekend and clean everything in sight! Yea it is presurized.
  11. This should be added to , I think it was braap, post.
  12. Saw a very nice red early z on the freeway today. It was being towed east. Iam hopeing that it was not headed for pull and save or spaldings. Was this a member here, spokane wa.? I remember going to pull and save around here 6 yrs ago and there were sooooo many z's to pick from with no noticable rust. Have you gone there recently Mopar?
  13. The important thing is when what we know about z's becomes main stream and worth more, it is the same as what you have here, just.. more mainstream. Be proud that you were adhead of the crub and hopefully help others!!!!! Long live the Z!
  14. Wow that is the oldest posts ive seen resurected!
  15. If cutting garlic or oniouns, wash your hands and rub them on the stainless steal sink. Believe it or not it works so good it's amazing. I dont know if would work with peppers but I believe it nutalizes acids.
  16. Being a 280zx lover, I one day hope to join to join the club of collectable!
  17. Some times what I hate is inspecting the work afterwards! Crap..... gotta redo that!
  18. ohhh man.....I guess we are the crack dealers. runninng for cover now.
  19. The difference between junk and antiques is what people will pay for them. Be proud that people are starting to see the same value in these historic cars as you guys do!
  20. Maby you can train one of your mice to fly it for you!!!!!
  21. With the amount of problem people have with new wiring, triing to fix the old stuff will problaly result in you hateing the car. Maby this is a good time for also wiring in megasquirt!
  22. I understand baap's post and i think most do concerning launch, but what about after. I believe that as you accelerate and change gears stresses on the drive train will change and more power will be lost into different parts of the drivetaian. Soo when and what other parts will break down the track and why? Is there more loose of hp and tq due to increse rotations of parts due to friction? I do know 4th gear dose not actually exist, hence more power to the tires. I know ive seen viedos of failures after launch. Feel free to flame:)
  23. The way i see it as long as you keep tracktion the entire drive train will see the full force of the torque being applied. The only diff will be accelleration and the amount of time it is being applied based on a static distance. If this was not true than the same drive train in a lighter rig will not have the same amount of torque being applied down a 1/4 mile track. Might ask yourself where did the force go? After reading over the years here, it seems that the drive train parts need to match the amount of hp and tq no matter what veihical it gose in. !If hooking up at all times! So i go up stairs and take a shower and got to thinking more. The law of phyics stats that a object in for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So in essence if an object 10000 tons or an ounce they will accerate and move at the same rate. When opposing forces are applied, i.e. gravity, accelleration and rate of speed will very. In both seniros the amout of force applied was constance, where as the they differed was the recation of the object's, acceration and speed. If iam all washed up, please advise!!!!hehe.
  24. Up the price, that will attract more serious buyers. That seems to be waayy too cheap for that truck, I would suspect a scam. Not saying it is!
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