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Everything posted by woldson

  1. Come on where is your sense of adventure? Get that baby fixed!
  2. I see you have 32 posts, that dose not mean I know the make of your engine. Get recording of your issue and post it. Pesonally I have no clue at this moment.
  3. I liked it alot as a child. Hope they did a good job on the remake!
  4. I do that esp. on auto trannies I've done with a slight veriation. I rtv both sides of gasket, fingure tighten all bolts (loosly) and let cure for about 6 hours or so then tourque down. Any gasket I've done this way has never leaked. (knock on wood)
  5. Don't plug it in. Rev up the car abit see if it stumbles and pukes gas. With such a sudden death it might be a short in the injector. At least you live in a rather warm climate.
  6. Gheezzz took you that long. For someone that has removed said "bolt" with a vengence, I would have expected quicker reaction time. I will assume when this bolt is removed by him he will gain passege into manhood. FUBAR: Stanly claims it is a wwII term for something lame beyound all reconition. For us that have been there,,, it is not a cool tool with a lame name but rather OOOOHHH YEEEEAAAAA. Now I only mention this due to the fact I myslelf might have to break out the fubar in order too..... well you get the drift! So any update? Waiting for the balls to drop,,,,wait, the ball to drop???
  7. I honestly haven't tested it with a guage but there is tons of vacuum. I pulled a VAX line and it had enough suction to rival a cheap whore on a friday night. I will be going by the shop tonight and I will try to get a reading on a guage. Where should it be reading? I do not know what the reading should be. What I do know, is that I believe you in the brake system being stagnate during your swap. The engine runs yet no support? Emwhy may be on to something, that or your canisters diaphragm may be shot.
  8. Well it was at least nice meeting you!
  9. What vacumme pressure are you pulling at the vacumme line to the booster?
  10. You beat me to the punch Gollum:) Also this? http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=136310
  11. Possible working through this will make a stand alone much easier when you upgrade. (Just a thought) BTW: Start with the basics, fuel, air, spark and timeing. You have accomplished so much mabey your overthinking the problem?
  12. Still waiting for it to load. Your car looks great! Hot dang for winning!!
  13. At this point I recommend finding a f54 block. Now some experts have found some differences (strengths), however, unless you are extreme, bigger displacement is a whole lot of fun. If you are really looking for a deal I suggest also looking for a few caps;)
  14. Excuse me for butting in. I found that some of the local battery/parts stores have some pretty good gear to help. Your problem may be more extensive but it is a good start.
  15. I will resist and take my leave for now. You sir have a quick wit:) Cheers!!
  16. OK OK, look not to bust too many chops here the topic is safety related. How many cheap bumpers (for the cars that even have them) and other safety items have been removed (compromised) for our cars. Fuel pump cutoff for example. Frame rails, rusty rocker panels not addressed. Custom roll cages (some possible not inspected), tubular fount end (possibly not engineered to even realize full potential in any sort of accident condition). Not to ruffle to many feathers but he was taking precautions and it was removable for track safety. Yes it can be improved, so can any safety item to a large degree with money. The science of car safety has got to be staggering. To consider all probabilities in infinite possibles. No fire extinguishers, etc. I'm not any kind of role model here for I have speakers floating around back there and often other things. Yep not safe. When I really get into the car I will probably weld in some kinda shield. I struggle with what to do with two safety features on the car, bumper and fuel cut off. I don't want to admire the fact that my case of frozen otter pops did not take me out while I slowly burn to death.
  17. That comment is useless without PICS!!:) Thennnn again maby not;)
  18. woldson

    u joint removal

    I was using a 20 ton press when I did my 82 half shaft. They were really in there. One of them caused almost an explosion when it let loose. Parts went every where. The next one I did I took to a diesel place cost me $15 for both joints that I provided. Mind you I was not using heat or penetrating oil. Sounded like a gun shot, was surprised that I did not bend the yoke.
  19. ^^I thought he was showing some humility, however, Careless is correct on many levels.
  20. Break out the volt/ohm meter and follow wireing. I personally would start at the pedal.
  21. Alright! Pic of bolt before and after?
  22. If my high school physics serves me correctly, a descending piston in an engine doesn't suck in air, it is the difference in atmospheric pressure caused by the descending piston that allows the air to be PUSHED in. Yes the out side air pressure pushes the air into the vacuum. Its kinda like there is no such thing as darkness and not such thing as cold. Except absolute zero, if you want to consider that cold. The ignited gas air mixture is of a greater volume potential, (not mass) so more volume needs to be evacuated from the cylinder.
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