Welp, after a week I figured Ron would never call me back, so I called him today. He said basically, the print out that came with the cam goes out the shipping end and is not the same as the one at the grinder's bench. Using his expression "...garbage in garbage out...", he pointed out other errors with the prints, (top page) in red for deg. int. and ex. duration is incorrect at 290 and 280 which SHOULD read 276 and 268 (like the bottom). He confirmed that infact the overlap is 44. (He faxed me another cam card but I couldn't downsize the pic and post here because my new puter doesn't have all my old SW installed yet.)
Though he didn't come out and say it, we all got the wrong cam card. Fortunately for jgkurz's confirmation that the cam does work for him, I'll bolt it up and degree it to +/- 1 deg. and run it. Now I go shopping for ECM and injectors finally. Looking for 68#er's. BTW, thanks for the offer jgkurz but too small.