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Everything posted by b__sosick

  1. mike.stop working on all thousandteen cars of yours and focus on the f20c one.
  2. my first z was mckenzee second was lindsay and current is either ferrariz or betzee
  3. INTAKE INTAKE INTAKE!!!! dude is it a vtec?!?! xD (we'll see who's laughing though when this guy gets like 45 mpg)
  4. DROOL gawd that's hawt. great work m8
  5. b__sosick

    My Z31

    cool man. i was THIS close to buying a z31 before i tripped over my car.
  6. b__sosick

    My Z31

    sweet man. welcome. current mods, future plans?
  7. b__sosick

    Z31 into S13

    that's a killer conversion man.
  8. must finish body work. must have 345 whp before 2007 comes. must be flat black. :]] oh and quit smoking (done)
  9. no you're both wrong. what he REALLY wants is an SR20DET w/ 6 speed
  10. dude. get ad aware now. http://www.lavasoftusa.com/
  11. i can't find any of these cars on car domain? can anyone posdt some pics of one?
  12. DO IT! restore it. make three times that much off it! and i actually don't mind the wing
  13. do it! every time i see that hood i want it more and more!
  14. i don't know much about the car, but that kind of gas mileage sounds REAL good. if you can get your hands on one for reasonably cheap, then why the heck not? are they RHD? if so, DEFINETLY get one. it would just be cool to have a car that little to no people have!
  15. damn that's a shame! i hate it when people drive like morons! people need to think about what they're doing, as driving is a HUGE responsibility that CAN be fatal if you aren't paying attention! hopefully you'll get her in nice shape soon!
  16. hahahaha i want to see him in person i'd run up to him and kiss him on the cheek AND THEN PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE
  17. girls don't like the smell of burnt rubber. drifting does not get you girls it just makes your wallet hurt.
  18. dude. at least link em next time. http://www.nasioc.com/
  19. oh man! you could get the kids to soccer practice in NO TIME
  20. here comes trouble: haha that was great! you must have a bit of time on your hands...
  21. "So i was going to the DMV, or as like to call it.. SATANS *******"
  22. prox: while those speakers new the shifter look really cool, isn't that bad placement as far as sound goes? it aims at your legs, lol!
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