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Everything posted by rwdawg2

  1. Just thought I would bring this back. Wanted to see if anyone has the link to the 12th episode yet or not? Getting the itch for more wangan midnight. You know?
  2. No I'm pretty positive 12 is done. I can't find it but like the guy said a few post up the ebay ones that are all subbed out are episodes 1-12. They are done and ready to be shipped. I'm thinking about buying them within the week so I'll let you know.
  3. 12 is already out and sub titled. Does anyone know where to find it?
  4. Not a whole lot of ZX's in here. I am trying to decide whether or not to keep the big, heavy, bumpers or go with the MSA fiberglass ones. I have a 80's fiberglass front I'm keeping so keep that in mind. Anyone want to chime in with there 2 cents would be greatly appreciated.
  5. A picture is worth more than any words. I love it
  6. I like it. It looks like mine when mine was new in 83,84 or so.
  7. Yeah most of my 20+ year wires snapped as well. I will post some pics of my machined, cleaned and new freeze plug, block for my 87mm forged piston. I just spent a few dollars on some brand new rod and main bearings as well as front and rear main seal from black dragon auto. Give me a day to take some day pics. My block looked pretty similar to the one in the first post to give you guys a general idea.
  8. let me know. I would like to see some kind of prototype or finished product. I am very interested to see what you guys come up with.
  9. Just wanted to let you know that the sensor is called a knock sensor and time for new bearings. I am not terribly educated on the actual machine work or current state of how well or not the block is, so I will let some of the guys here that have been there and done that many of times to comment on the actual status of the block and crank. Good luck on everything. I'm currently trying to put one back together after getting screwed by a machine shop.
  10. I can't wait to see the final product with the plumbing and all. I think I am a little lost but those last pics help out with the confusion a little bit. I just don't understand how the plumbing is going to work I guess. Looks good though x64v
  11. Vernon Z i like the JDM looking lights. Reminds me of the JDM Z32 tail lights.
  12. hey sliver280zx. I haven't seen you in a while, so obviously i didn't know you wrecked the ZX. Sucks man. If you need any help just let me know. peace and hope your luck gets better.
  13. 260det do you have any more pictures of your cage in the S130? i would like to go about the same route you did. thanks
  14. yeah i knew what the reason was. I was just giving a heads up b/c he is going the turbo route. Yes people do make very good numbers with them but not for long. Even Tony Schultz (professional d1 driver) used to dog the piss out of all 6 or 7 of his KA's and each one of them lasted for about a year and then pop and a year is what i have heard is around average to a long term life. just my personal experience with the KA and my friends experiences with KA's haven't been great. That's all
  15. first off. Nice work. watch out for detonation on those KA's. a few of my friends are all in the 240sx scene and a few went with a ka then immediately switched to an SR. Just my two scents though. also with the weight reduction, via iron block to aluminum, what kind of coilovers are you using and where did you get the stuff to make them (i'm assuming they were made by you). another thing. Those wheels on the last picture are huge. (in Borat voice) I like them.
  16. i absolutely love the old school wheels. car looks to be really good shape.
  17. i own a 96' 328is and i had a m3 diff. I can tell you that the 3.23 gears are the most sought after, but i have no idea about the viscous or clutch type. I can find out tomorrow for you though. What i hate to tell you is if it is from 94 - 99 (E36 body styles) then those are the diff's that everyone has problems with including myself. I am on my 3rd one. They gearing itself can hold up to some pretty good power numbers but the design of the pumpkin and housing is what everyone complains about. On a good note i know a guy with a 96 m3 that is putting down close to 500hp that is still using the stock diff, but with some reinforcement to keep it from moving up and down too much under load.
  18. your right. It just seemed like the orginal question was more about the looks though. But i guess that is all subjective now isn't it.
  19. yeah and they kind of got a little off topic. I thought this had to do with bumperless 280zx not top end of a ZX or whatever else they are talking about.
  20. looks amazing. can't wait for a video or heck just some sort of numbers. good luck with everything and hope to hear good news once you turn her over for the first time
  21. guys go to http://stage6.divx.com/ and all the wangan midnight videos up to episode 8 are already posted. i think 8 is all they have come out with so far in japan so i think it is pretty up to date. hope this helps all you people like me that need there fix.
  22. i am still waiting on my head to get back but as soon as i get that i too am going to be putting my motor back together. yours looks great, good job. if i get stuck anywhere i know who to talk to. lol
  23. there was somewhere in here that says the s13 rear coilovers will mount up directly except for the fact that s13 top hats have 2 studs and the s130 mounts have 3 studs. that is what i understand the only difference. the fronts you will have to do just like redz31 or slown'rusty
  24. i don't either. what is that sketch supposed to be of?
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