First off, let me say that I have been through this like you did. I did as you did, so dont think I am being an ass.
You certainly seem like a decent person so I can assume that you arent an ass either.
Yes, when you passed the "gater" on the right, harmlessly, it was the "trigger". He was so intent on making the person in the left lane, which is the fast lane so it must have belonged to him, move over,teach a lesson about riding in "his" lane. He was pissed that you had snuck pass him in his intent to teach the other guy.
Then it was your turn. Simply that. It is natural to be pissed. Hitting your brakes, downshifting so as not to trigger your brake lights. Yea, that will calm him down!!
The second you started the brake check is where you stepped into the wrong zone.
Put it this way, every one knows that pedestrians have the right of way right? Basic traffic law. Step out infront of a speeding maniac as a pedestrian...your dead right of way or not. Yes? You would be in the right, but you would be dead.
You may have had the right to be pissed, but not the right to elevate the situation.
If you dont want to play that way, bring a gun, soon you will need it. Promise.