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Everything posted by bschiltz

  1. Nice! Are those factory wheels on the car? (real pictures)
  2. Can the HEI draw power from any 12V keyed source? I'm doing a 280zx, so it's a different beast than the S30's as far as wiring. Should I just one of the 12V wires from the now redundant ignition relay?
  3. I'll bet it would:flamedevi. It'd etch the underlying steel, though.
  4. Ow, crap. That sucks! Time for a engine swap? I hope you get everyting sorted out.
  5. I figured that out, but it says S30 and S31 (NOT S130 ) If it's a real S31, it might be worth restoring. Edit: Owch! I didn't see that bottom pic where the roof is rusted out above the window. Talk about major work!
  6. Dude, that looks sweet! Have you got your MegaSquirt under controll yet?
  7. I've had my car for a little over a year. It kinda ran when I got it but I never realy drove it. I've been working on the swap for ~9 months now. I hope to be done in the next month or so.
  8. bschiltz


    Look at the place where the CV shaft (?) goes into the diff. If there are 5 bolts arround it, it's a r180. If there is nothing, it's r200. You can also tell by the shape of the rear cover. If it's rectangle and tall, it's r180. If it's rounder it's r200. My 79 zx has a r180 FWIW.
  9. and your sig says ... "woo ! we're in" Doesnt paint a good picture of you Lol! Well... *cough* I, uh... um, wouldn't buy one of those!
  10. That's just the newest way to say "I'm retarded and probably have a small penis"
  11. Are you serious? I understand the whole rat rod idea with a beat to crap farm truck or what not, but that looks dumb If the rest of the car was in bad shape, it'd make more sense.
  12. The thing with stupid people is they usually have short attention spans. If you ignore them, they will start bugging you more but if you keep ignoring them they usually give up and leave you alone.
  13. I don't know much about LT1s, but that's quite a story that goes with the second. Are they coming form two different people? If the guy with the 95 is fed up with his car he may be willing to come down on the price a little. On the flip side of the coin, there may be other problems with the 95 that he is leaving out just to get rid of the thing. Just my two cents.
  14. What about using the Datsun rad with a shop fan blowing into it?
  15. Dude, that looks sick! What are your plans for the head, polished?
  16. I think Davy got it right, that is absolute music! Very nice car.
  17. Hmm... how deep do you go on the dizzy drive gear?
  18. It kinda looks like something Boyd Coddington would wear.
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