He was in violation of his probation, so he`s going to be there awhile. I think he`ll probably get his in the end(pun intended)
His Dad and Grandpa stopped over today to inspect the damage. Apparently he`s taking after his Dad. When I talked to him he said that he got his "first DUI" on this same corner about 15 yrs ago. He missed the corner and ran up the guide wire about 20' short of where his son left the road.
What really made me mad was his leaving the scene. I had another car a couple yrs ago that was hit by a young kid that fled the scene. luckily I tracked him down.
Did you know that uninsured motorists coverage will only cover damages if they can prove the driver was uninsured? That means hit and runs are NOT covered.
If he had stopped and told me what happened, and given me a chance to inspect the damage, I may have let him slide. (after calling and getting him a ride home)But he was more than willing to stick me with whatever damage he may have caused.
If you make a mistake, you should at least have balls enough to accept responsibility for your actions. I was in no way an angel in my younger days, but i would have never left the scene without at least talking to someone first.