I need some help to cure my RPM spike,
I have added a filter to the +12 feed of the megasquirt which stopped most of my spikes. The single wire temp sensor was giving me problems so I have a fixed value resistor in the temp connector to give a 70deg C value until I find the cause.
The alternator seems to be causing a lot of noise so I unplugged it, Now most values are stable except for the occasional RPM spike which is causing the engine to stumble on acceleration.
I have shielded cables for PIP and Saw, new heavy gauge cable for power supply to the megasquirt and relay board.
Can anyone shed some light on the problem?
My setup is as follows:
l28 F54/P90
Megasquirt II PCB 3
123 INJ1 456 INJ2 Alternating
Holset H3351CW
Low imp injectors (2.1ohm)
The car is running great apart from this damn spike, when I disconnected the alternator I unplugged the regulator....would there be any noise still coming from the main power cable with the field unplugged?
Here is a log from today.
Thanks for looking!