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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. That vendor has a horrible reputation. I would not buy from him just on the few stories that I have heard.....
  2. Here is a nice aerial of the Collins Ave in front of MSA (for those who haven't been before): http://terraserver-usa.com/image.aspx?T=4&S=8&Z=11&X=8396&Y=74811&W=3&qs=1321+West+Collins+Ave%7corange%7cca%7c&Addr=1321+W+Collins+Ave%2c+Orange%2c+CA+92867&ALon=-117.8659654&ALat=33.8023876
  3. To help recognize some of us: http://www.datsunracing.com/gallery/msa2004/DSCF0105?full=1 (thanks Alex) from Left to right (sorry, but altzheimers prevents me from remembering everyone) Amir ? John Coffey (JohnC) Me (Tim240Z) Van (Two40MuscleZ) Owen ? BTW, I will have some extra vinyl transfers and T-shirts with me, so if you want one, track me down and bring ca$h money
  4. http://www.punchbaby.com/great.htm Adult content warning
  5. I bought some of this stuff and it works REALLY REALLY well. The bodyshop had layed a rag of thinner or something on my covers so they were all hazy. This stuff made them look brand new.
  6. Did the folks that you bought the engine from pressure wash it? Could it be residue from that?
  7. Nah, just cleared out some crap into the actual shed behind the garage. Harbor freight car wheel dollies are worth it!!
  8. Nope still busy with the L31/4L60E conversion in the 71 Cheyenne. Opel is next in line. Opel and Z are in a coma in the garage under car covers.
  9. Damn!! U guys have all the good stuff in your yards!!
  10. Any posts made to the Non-tech forum do not add to your post count.
  11. Tim240z

    posting an ad

    It is to stop people signing up just to post ads
  12. Nice one. I am also kinda partial to this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6472&item=4543536829&rd=1
  13. Well....since you are sweetening the deal......
  14. With 350+HP on tap, even the 3.54:1 is a handfull!
  15. Now that would be good!! I bet it starts nagging like my wife after a while though... "Tim, pick up those tools!" "tidy up after yourself" " blah, blah, blah"
  16. The CHP doesn't have to 'KNOW'. All he needs is a suspicion that the engine is not original, and he sends you to a Referee. The Referees, from what I hear, are VERY astute.
  17. I would likely misplace the computer.....if it is at all related to tools, I will put it somewhere and then promptly forget where I put it....
  18. Anyone know if there is a baseball game scheduled this Friday in Anaheim? Last year traffic was an absolute BITCH!!! because of the game. Well...it is horendous anyways, but it was unbearable!! I'm game for some T&A on Friday night....isn't it Owen's birthday?
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