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Everything posted by JSM

  1. Yep me too. From $2800 - $4000! It really hurts it resale in my mind cause it sat so long. Kinda a shame. Also, I think "Big Phil" is running the E6K as well. You might want to PM him.
  2. PM me your cell. I'll text them to u.
  3. I can text you the pics, he texted me if you want. Doesn't answer the question if it is a turbo motor or not.
  4. No problem. I think he is motivated too. The rims on that car might be fairly rare so I would check into them if you get it.
  5. You go check that car out I sent you?
  6. I found this by accident. I don't think it is a true turbo car, but he says it has a turbo. Not sure if it has the entire swap or something else. Car does not have a factory turbo gauge. Kinda far for me to drive 3hr 35 min for. It is rusty too. http://fortmyers.craigslist.org/lee/pts/2772032617.html
  7. .. AND you won't finish it to buy a "Miata, S13, S14, Datsun 510, 620, E30 BMW, FB or FC RX7, Porsche 944, or something of that nature." Yuck! Traitor! http://orlando.craigslist.org/cto/2730051610.html
  8. Ah did not know that. The last camaro I drove was a 87 3.8L and that was in 89!
  9. Funny I used the chisel method it wouldn't pop. Stuck very tight. Lightly grabed the axle and vigorously pulling poped it right out. It needs quick, fast, action to make them "pop". Doing it slowly I think causes the actual snap ring to bind into the carrier. Another thing i've used is about 5 feet of rope. Lets you have some slack so when you pull it gives it that quick jolt it needs!
  10. So I passed on the car and here's why. Please understand I'm a little nutty and trust has to be earned with me if I'm going to purchase something. #1 When going to purchase a car and you agree upon a time show up early by 30 mins to an hour. I got there 55 min early. When I pulled up he quickly closed the hood with tools in hand. I promptly introduced myself and asked if we could pop the hood which we did. If a seller has nothing to hide he won't be there working on it in my mind. #2 As a seller I try and leave my car(s) cold so a buyer can see them start cold. Just something I do and I expect the same. Again I'm weird, but if a exhaust manifold is leaking sometimes it will seal itself once warmed up. #3 Body Damage was pretty extensive. Could not tell how bad it was from pick Paint was shot and much more damage to leave parked in my driveway. Not a big deal but just one more issue. #4 For suppossedly only having 138K the front seat was shot. I mean destroyed and both the brake bedal and gas pedal had tremendous wear. Could be nothing or reset odometer? Don't know. #5 On start up Oil pressure was only 50 PSI per gauge. Once warm only 40 PSI??? Reving would push it up to 70 ish. Oil was filled very high on the dipstick. #6 Rear main was leaking and dripping but tried to pass it off like it wasn't. #7 Both Service Engine soon and Check Guages lights were on. #8 Reved up fairly smooth with light misses but seemed okay. Great torque. When trying to power brake the car it would not break the tires? The car just bogged? Thought this was really strange. After I left he texted me that it must be that he switched to mobile 1. He said it would be an easy fix for him to pull the tranny and swap the seal.
  11. I've got a p82 intake for 75 plus shipping. Shaved no, no EGR yes!
  12. Oh this is planned for the Z too. I'm going to keep the car all together though until I have all necessary parts to do the swap. Also going to keep her auto. Man I must be getting old!
  13. Yep Clive it is. Yeah strange link doesn't work. Anyway, auto, 138k, passanger door won't open due to slight acccident. Asking price 2500 but he said he would take 1700 as it is all I have! I figured I could sell just the motor for 1700 and be okay. Going today at 4pm to look at her.
  14. Looking at this car this afternoon. Any advice on small things I may over look? Warning lights. Noises, etc.?
  15. What part of FL? I might have my turbo stuff up for sale.
  16. Just out of curiousity where did you locate one? New? Another member?
  17. Yeah sorry, not the base your thinking of. I'm probably calling it the wrong name. It's the circle yellow part. They are held on by roll pins or spring pins.
  18. JSM

    Surge Tank

    Looks beautiful to me! How much did that cost to get fabbed?
  19. I'm swaping a 280zxt motor into my 260z, however, at this point I'm staying with SU's. I'd rather not drop the turbo spindle out and put the NA in to then have to swap it back out again when I change to the 300zx Turbo swap I'm planning. Anyway, I thought I saw a thread on this but couldn't find it. It looks like the I can just swap the base on the ZXT dist with the NA one and then I don't have to mess with timing etc. Is this right? Oh and TDC and #1 are in the same positions regardless of NA or Turbo right?
  20. LOL! I'm getting better as I age. I've almost learned to shut up!
  21. JSM

    wrecked s30

    You've got no JY up that way? I know of an S30 in a JY here, but that is a job. I can give you the info if you feel like driving down.
  22. I'm with you. In my situtaion even with a reliable car this doesn't help at times. The battery died one day as it hit it's life limit on my wifes van. I replace it. The very next day my wife calls from work and says honey the car won't start. I'm like odd, grab all the tools thinking the cables are dirty or something. I jump in it and it cranks fine. I glance over at the fuel gauge which she has covered with a business card, bone dry! There is no fix for stupid! She says to me before we leave, "Please don't tell the kids!" Oddly today I see an almost new G37 with it's hood up and a guy laying on the ground. I ask him if needs some help. He's like do you hear it, I'm like no, hear what. He's like the hiss. He said the light came on in the car and now there is this crazy hiss. Back to the dealer for more wasted time!
  23. I'd love a nice Mercedes. The technology part scares the crap out of me though. I don't know why and it may be just a false fear I have, but it just bugs me. Like the Hyundai. My neighbhors 66 mustang would only start intermitently. Finally not at all. Checked a few things and his secret kill switch was bad. 5 min to diagnose and 2 mins to fix, up and running. Gosh I'm starting to feel old!
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