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Everything posted by CArFAn

  1. They might have added the electrical one on mines as a upgrade but it looks like it was there originally. Anyone know of a car that i can pull a pump out of that will work at 3-5psi?
  2. Mine had a electric pump and mechanical. I took the mechanical one out and just used the electric one. Then it crapped out on me and i got a second hand one which is crapping out to. I'm in need of a 3-5psi fuel pump. Oh and those green and black wire are to measure how much fuel is in the tank i had bent the little clips inside the thing that goes over it and i replaced those today so i can see how much gas i have in the tank. Guess what I'm on E lol. As for the fuel pump it self there should be a wire on the top and one coming out the side i believe and those 2 are the ones that power the pump. Hope that helps any. -Carfan
  3. Here is a video of it running with a crappy fuel pump it cuts on and off when it wants we are getting a NIB one this week. I'm tired of second hard "said to work" parts. When it starts to sputter thats the fuel pump NOT working. When it is working the rpms climb perfectly no stumbling. http://s64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/pimplane2004/?action=view&current=01-27-08_1807.flv
  4. Will do thanks for the info. Any pics of the ones you polished using that method before and after?
  5. How they came stock. Not sure if he did anything to them or not. Polished aluminum i'm guessing.
  6. I have them there just no on there.
  7. That will scratch the chrome up. I did a test area on a bad wheel with a wire brush and it didn't work so well. I'm going to eat and shower then get ready to be a security guard at my school...Top flight security of the world..HAHAHA
  8. Yes it was great. Anyone know how to get that rust rash? off the lip and clean up the center of these wheels. Any help would be great. I used eagle one glass cleaner with those you see but the other two are worse and didn't clean up so well.
  9. Finally after so long i got to drive my 240z. It was down the drive way and back, but who cares i got to drive it. I got some new feet for it to.Pics at the end. They are 280zx turbo wheels (before and after pics)that i got for (2) 300zx boost sensors and a rock paper scissors contest:cool:. I couldn't drive anywhere because i have no head lights. Well they work when they want to. Pictures:
  10. http://youtube.com/watch?v=1y939QyHyhs&feature=related
  11. I was going to go see it but i heard it wasn't worth going to see so i didn't. And i don't waste money on the movies i watch it all for free that way if i don't like it i wont feel like i just wasted money that could have been useful ie. future gas money.
  12. "clean up the poopie from your wieners" ahhahhahahhahahaha. Man who would really actually go and do that.
  13. Myron. You think you can do a quick and dirty MS paint diagram of your setup with dimensions?
  14. You have his address i would, if not to expensive, go there and bring their state police or some type of authority and documentation of all the transactions you made with him. Just my 2*cents. Forgot to add don't tell him your coming that will just buy him time to get rid of anything that can incriminate him.
  15. If your wanting to measure if they will fit or not my friend is running 15x10's centerline autodrags all the way around. Here are a few pics.
  16. HBZ has me up till the mornings like i am now its 1:35am and im searching through 5 year old post trying to dig up info instead of posting threads.
  17. Check sparkys car he just posted a pic of it tied to a strut bar. Looks good to and i just might have to steal that setup.
  18. Went to the pick n pull today and got the window roller, windshield stripping, misc hoses, and on the way out my dad spots a 280zx with this hanging from it.Got it for 25$. I get to drive it tomorrow. I installed the new stripping and windshield and i got another fuel pump but i need to buy the correct fittings tomorrow. So thats where im at right now. I dont knoe for sure if im going to use that tip when i get my exhaust done or not. Depends on how it sounds.
  19. What i thought was the fpr was actually the mechanical fuel pump. Thanks Paul R. for the help with that one. I feel so dumb.
  20. Okay today was the first time i ever heard the car run these videos show the first actual run but it dosn't stay running. I will have to get video of it staying running after i get back from the pick n pull. -50 weather on rocks at 8.30am. Sorry for the quality only had my cell phone on me. http://s64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/pimplane2004/?action=view&current=01-20-08_1512.flv http://s64.photobucket.com/albums/h182/pimplane2004/?action=view&current=01-20-08_1529.flv
  21. Sorta sounds like a RB to me. Sounds nice though.That 3.5in ground clearance is going to be a problem going over any speed bump(if any) and potholes or random junk in the road.
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