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Everything posted by CArFAn

  1. Are you anywhere near Norcal? Those houses seem to be the typical new style developed homes up here.
  2. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/car/597428507.html
  3. Hah. They are sold as of yesterday.
  4. Thanks for that. Well tomorrow im going to buy a few pounds of dry ice so i can get a few dents out of my roof,hatch,door,fender,and lower valence. -Carfan
  5. I didnt want to make a new thread so im going to ask here. Has anyone heard of using dry ice and heat to pull dents out? I want to give it a try but im just making sure.
  6. I dont get the pm notification either.
  7. I played i failed and i played some more. Until i started to get too addicted, so what else better to do then get 3 friends and sand down your car for FREE! I'm tired and blue.
  8. If i coud get a specific year i could check my local pnp. We have close to 30 Z's there 240,260,280,280zx and 300zx's we should have a few maximas. Googled a bit and found a few years. I will look next time i go. How much do these run for? If they have a few i will take them all.
  9. What year maxima's does the crank come from?
  10. Mines are cheaper and one is in better condition just to let everyone know.Drivers side is BAD!!.
  11. I don't understand how they mixed this up. "sx" is two letters while "z" is one, im guessing someone got lazy and just clicked what ever. But i told them the year and everything and there were no 240sx's made in 1972. I'm going to take it back tomorrow and hopefully get the right one. Its the last thing i need before i can get my car on the road. So close but no cigar.
  12. I ordered this transmission mount from a local parts store and they sent me this. I didn't bother looking in the box because i have ordered parts from before and they have been right.Part#2468(I think) The one that was on the transmission has a single bolt through the middle. Its this one here. I google a bit and found out that it looks similar to the 240sx. So im guessing they got sx mixed up with Z. Can anyone confirm this?
  13. Looks like my first ever try at photoshop work.
  14. let her walk in front of you and act like your looking at something else where. while filming.
  15. Put it right in front of the door and turn the lights out. If there is a switch by the door that is. So no one gets hurt. Record and post here
  16. I did a research paper last week on restoring cars specificly Z's. I have to presnt in march sometime. Zhome and HybridZ has given me all the info i needed.
  17. Yes, that is it. There are many different add-ons and modifications that you can use with this game that makes it a lot better than it is out of the box.
  18. You can google "simbin" or "gtr2". You can also search for videos on youtube using the same search terms.
  19. I got the metal i needed and i started cutting out the old seat mounting metal. I stopped because it got late and i got hungry. But sometime tomorrow i will continue with it.
  20. Any one know where to get it in Stockton i called HomeDepot and the "say" they don't have it. I'm trying to make my seat mounts so they will sit lower. And i need 1 1/2in square tubing about..... (60/12=6.8).....i need about 6.8ft of it. So if anyone knows anything let me know. Here is my design: Each cross bar is 22in length wise and 1.5in width wise. From about 2.5in from each side i will cut and weld a piece facing the opposite way so bolting them in wont be a pain the the a** i will also weld all the way around and i will run a bolt through the middle just as a safety . I'm going to test fit each piece with the seats mounted to them before i finalize there position. (If anything is wrong with doing it this way please let me know). 3d Rendering.(im not good i know but you get the idea)
  21. Is there a Z in the 7's ? If so link me to a vid or something.
  22. Some one once told me a car without a chute may run hard , but a car with one chute is twice as fast ,but a car with two chutes wont waste his time on you. I believe you deserve two chutes....Unless thats two in there already your ready to go!!!
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