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Everything posted by Comrade_Charlie

  1. Sweet! Im not a huge fan of the 280zx since I had no headroom in them . But Im a fan of the vg so any car with one gets two thumbs up! Everyone loves pics.
  2. he did 10.3 on the motor with 180hp of nitrous. he said he wants to get better than a 10.9999999999 on the motor.
  3. Yea Toyotas are only fast when they are powered by datsun/nissan:). I basicly want to have only 200-250hp max out of a l28 since I want to build my vg30 300zx. I just want a quick sleeper and a rare car, Ive never seen a corolla before 1985 in my state or town or whatever... and I want to have some expirience with the l28et(ive always wanted this motor), I tried to get one before I got my turbo 300zx but the turbo 280 I looked at was all rusted up so. here is a picture of the 280zx turbo Im buying im not sure of the year 81 or 82? the corolla was really dirty, its been sitting in the woods under pine trees so its got surface rust all over it and some rust in other places but not bad. I washed it today and I need to take some pictures. this car was a parts car but the engine and turbo crap is all there, Im getting it for 100 bucks. im not sure if the engine is good but I dont care for 100 bucks
  4. Yea my cousin told me about the rb20 coming in the 300zx in japan... 200zr or whatever. im not trying to put a l28 into a 300zx although the car im putting it in has a similar size engine bay... I have a turbo 300zx and I was talking about the 280zx and 300zx have similar suspension, they have same transmision(t5), and I know its totally different engines. but im trying to put a l28 in a corolla which has 30 inches front to back(in the engine bay) the z31 has 32... I think it will fit... people put rb26 in a 300zx and rb cant be much longer/shorter than a l28 and it looks like they have a few inches left too. Maybe I should just go through town to the junkyard and measure... And here is the corollas engine bay, I probaly should have emphasized on putting the l28 in the corolla more to cause less confusion... I took this pic a long time ago, its no longer in the woods rotting... I was surprised how wide the strut towers are, just as wide as my 300zx's
  5. Im getting a 280zx turbo parts cars and I want to put the engine in something other than a 280zx since I have a 300zx and I consider 280s and 300s basicly the same. And I have a 4door 1979 corolla with no engine sitting around... So I want to know if It can fit, since I dont have a 280 anywhere around me I cant measure so can a l28 fit within 30 inches between the firewall and the front structural support beam or whatever its called... I could probaly go 1 or 2 more inches with some modding...
  6. sweet! Is that going to be turbo or non? vg30s own. that engine bay makes that look small... you can fit in there with it...
  7. I like the sr20det but cheapest I could find for front clip was 2k... cheapest bang for buck get a carburated 350sbc . in my opinion vg30et and sr20det are both awesome engines, id like to think the vg is more stable, but its also heavier.
  8. I found a old maxima with a vg30 in it at the only "you pull it junkyard" around here, im taking the intake plenum this weekend or sometime soon... the place said 11 bucks for it, pimp. im not gutting it just going to use it as is... any thing is better than the stock one, and it doesnt have elbow. most likely it will sit in my room till I upgrade turbo and all that stuff... but I dont know if 400 bucks for a gutten plenum has a real good price to power ratio as apposed to cams or bigger turbo or w/e for 400 thats engine crap. unless you have all that then go for it.
  9. ive ridden my car really easy for about a 40mile trip and it got good mpg then but I was going dawg slow...
  10. Here is a guy that has a vg30et in a 1993 nissan truck. he is on this forum. http://www.cardomain.com/id/purpleflash
  11. I get crap for mpg(I think)... probaly old O2 sensor, old maf... 10 more or less pounds of boost and city driving... thats all I can say. probaly 17-20...
  12. boring. think drilling a larger drill bit into a smaller hole. for the welding stuff, probaly just a block off plate for some emissions stuff...
  13. LOL. I want to test drive the second one and crash it into the first one...
  14. I like the lexus IS300, it comes with a 2jz non turbo, then turbo it for under a grand or so... but its 3200 pounds has 215hp stock, but no convert, or targa so... but a 2004 can be had for less than 20k with under 50k on engine.
  15. best looking z in my opinion, the color and rims... looks awesome.
  16. God, how many hours did it take that guy.... thats so cool
  17. that was a slight drop, eh?
  18. haha I couldnt get my intake plenum off... guess im mechanicly challeged... I didnt try that hard tho. egr wouldnt come off... plus my allen wrench for the bolts in the middle of the plenum was too small and I couldnt find a direct one so... all I would suggest is to bag a label where screws go and stuff like that... small parts that you wont have any idea where they go... wish I did when I took my bumper off lOL but i got it back on with different screws LOL...
  19. $1000 for my 85 300zx turbo with a bad maf back in august of 06. $200 to tow it from atlanta, GA to Rock hill, sc. so I guess 1200 plus a free maf from my cousin.
  20. My cousin has taken a vg30et out of a 86turbo in 3 days and he is one lazy guy takes him forever to do stuff LOL... but my friend said he could take a engine out in a day... as for putting one back in, I dont know. its always easier to take stuff apart...
  21. I like the vg30et over the vg30dett, the way they did the twin turbos in my opinion is stupid... they thing I dont like about the z32 body is that in my opinion its ugly...(a lot of people like how the z32 looks, I just dont...) and the z32 is heavier... but with that you have a lsd does that tranny bolt up to a vg30et?
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