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Everything posted by Wagz

  1. I get pretty hot about this subject myself and I pretty much agree with your point of view. The outlook for our society in this respect is pretty bleak. I have a brother-in-law that is a junior high teacher. His stories about bad kids and worse parents are unbelievable. Teachers are constantly between a rock and a hard place. I can't understand why anyone would want to be a teacher in this day in age. It's pretty sad...
  2. In almost ALL cases it's the parents fault. Period. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to smack some rowdy, out of control, or disrespectful kid. I have to calm down and remind myself that it's the parents who are responsible for teaching, monitoring and diciplining their kids. If the kids aren't taught right/wrong and respect by their parents, they'll never know the difference. I have three kids and I'm tough on them. I demand that they show respect to others and behave themselves wherever we go. I've been accused of being too hard on my kids, but I've had twice as many people compliment my wife, myself and our kids on how well behaved and nice they are. Now, most of the time I want to smack the parents. I've got in-laws that should be beaten for their kid's behavior.
  3. I'm not sure what you would be gaining by going to the 280 strut housings, but for what it's worth, I just sectioned my 240 housings and installed coil-over kits on all 4 corners of my 240Z and no problem with fittment.
  4. I sold my set of 4 slotted wheels last April for $80 w/o tires.
  5. I just went through a stack of old catalogs and found a Jim Cook Racing catalog from a year or two ago. They list both a 3/4 and a 1 inch spacer for $59. Not sure if the price is still good, but I'll be calling them tomorrow.
  6. Thanks for the tips, guys. VB's are $10 more than MSA's and neither listed the thickness of their spacers. JTR didn't list anything on their site. I'll have to make some calls tomorrow. Dan: In my VR install manual, John Washington talks about having fabricated some double-thick (~1.5") spacers, but he felt handling on his test car was better with the standard 3/4 inch spacers. This was on a car with the struts shortened by 1.5 inches. Not sure how thick you are looking for, but it might be worth an email to John to ask about his experience.
  7. Who sells S30 bump steer spacers besides MSA? My last experience with MSA wasn't great and I'd rather buy somewhere else.
  8. Cool! I've been thinking about fabricating something like that to slip onto the output shaft of my T56 to help line up with the differential. It would (should) be easier to use than a solid drive shaft.
  9. Spindle Pin Puller tool. http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=23265 Lots of heat, penetrating oil, muscle and cursing... Unless, of course, you are talking about the spindles on the front struts. They are not removable, AFAIK.
  10. Jim - I bought the big brake package, 5 lug conversion and Outlaw 2000 setup (front and rear) from Mike Gibson at fonebooth. I can't give you much feedback on the performance of the product since, my car isn't on the road yet. I can tell you the quality of the stuff from Mike seems to be very good and he was great about answering all my questions and supporting me. Mike (scca) is a member here and used to visit this site quite a bit, but I haven't seen him post lately, I've bought products from Ross Corrigan at Modern Motorsports too. Both guys sell quality goods and stand behind their products.
  11. Doh! My bad. Tomohawk did say R180. Dan is right. They are plentiful in the R180 version.
  12. 3.36 is the lowest I am aware of. Very rare in the R200 and spendy when you can find 'em.
  13. 10 to 1 that ends up as one of siliconboy's next avatars!
  14. Yeah, I got the Ozzy rating too. And this doesn't factor in my pre-legal hard drinking years like Tim, or my time as an exchange student in Russia drinking WAY too much vodka. There's nothing like getting alcohol poisoning in a third-world country where your command of the language consists of asking where the toilet is...
  15. Uhhhhh, a sport compact? Or should I say sport compacted. I bet that left a mark...
  16. Wagz

    Which movie?

    Nobody mentioned that other Stallone blockbuster: 'Driven' Kinda cheesy, but I like the idea of taking an CART car for a joyride on the streets of Chicago. You wouldn't get far, though. Bumps, potholes and manhole covers would destroy a very low-slung CART-mobile.
  17. I used to work at a Nuclear site on an IT contract for the DOD and DOE so, I have an inactive Secret clearance. The downside is that the few times I've done some job searches based on security clearance requirements, the vast majority of available jobs are based in Maryland and Virginia. (gee, imagine that). Maybe, I'm not looking hard enough, but I like living in the Northwest.
  18. No kidding. I want to know too. Many years ago I worked as a PC/LAN support tech and never had issues like you deal with Aux. The dumbest question I ever got (only those that know the old Windows 3.x environment will get this) went like this. Phone rings: "Hello, Helpdesk" User: "Uh, I can't open up WordPerfect." Me: "Ok, what happens when you double-click the icon?" User: "Uh, I can't find the icon. It disappeared." Me: "Ok, then. Are you in front of your PC?" User: "Yes." Me: "Allright. Go to the Program Manager." User: [Long pause] "Uhhh, I don't know who my Program Manager is. I need to go ask my supervisor. Me: [incredulous] "No, no. Click on the icon that says Program Manager. [ me - Supressing laughter..] We hung a large banner with the quote with I don't know who my Program Manager is. on our call center wall for months...
  19. PM Nate (Nezzie76) and ask. Nate talks to Larry on a fairly regular basis from what I understand.
  20. Hit up Eric Nyerlin (SleekZ) for information on the old kits. I think he's pretty knowledgeable about them. If I remember correctly, he has some information on his website too. http://www.zparts.com John Washington also has alot of knowledge about the older 250GTO kits. Post pics if/when you buy.
  21. Geez! Buy 'em. I don't see how you can lose on a deal like that. (Assuming they aren't stolen. )
  22. John - Congrats! Good site. I've gotta echo the other comments: I really like the straight forware, no BS approach to your descriptions. I enjoyed reading some of the bench raching articles and plan on reading some more when I get time.
  23. Wow - that is a tough one. It can range drastically depending on the amount of work that went into it. I've seen unfinished (body installed, but much left to complete) Velo Rossas advertised for just under 10k. I've seen Alpha/Stable/McBurnie kits in similar states of completion for $4,500 and up. I believe Steve Graber sold his completely finished VR for somewhere in the neighborhood of $13k to $15k. (I'm sure I remember his advertised price being in that range. ) The fiberglass alone is $4k. Then add in the cost of the car, the parts, the paint, etc. etc. I would guess that a complete and painted VR with minor mechanical work needed is gonna run $10k plus.
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