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Everything posted by Challenger

  1. They do look nice. Is the centerpiece removable? Rsicard, I believe they are 16x8's -2.... thats what his post says.
  2. I along with many other people have been trying to tell people this everytime one of these threads come up.... nobody seems to get it.
  3. Mine did the same thing. My engine finally just quit. Im gonna check the things mentioned. Ill let you know if it helps.
  4. Ah well in that case nevermind.
  5. Hey, I didnt see anything mentioning it was a boy... Congrats, I cant imagine having a kid.
  6. Haha, that is funny... (thinking of other rappers..)
  7. Car looks sweet, flat black is awesome. Also like the rear spoiler.
  8. Where did you mail it to? You must have his address, I doubt he moves everytime he changes his address.
  9. I painted mine with the engine paint. I havent driven it yet, but I really dont think itll be an issue. Your really only painting a small area of the diff itself.
  10. Where in Washington are you? Im suprised people are unable to use a phone book these days. If I remember correctly from one of your earlier posts your in the olympia area so a trip down to portland to see Paul (Brapp) isnt impossible. Yeah thrustnut, who is this "bernoulli guy" never heard of him, probably an idiot...
  11. Wow, thats great information brapp! That will definitely help me and many other when it comes to the point of adressing the engine.
  12. So how did he get the graph before the drop if that was the point at which he starting graphing things?
  13. No, I need to know what head is on the 73's L28, your using it's bottom end and the 83's top end. I really dont see why you would not just swap the entire engine. The amount of work that youd put in to modifying the stock block and NA system for the turbo could easily been spent on just switching out the entire engine with less hassles.
  14. Turbo needs oil, knock sensor wont be there, was your head a n42 or n47? That would decide if you have dished pistons.
  15. I guess Ill ask here since I asked in your other thread and it went to the tool shed... What is wrinkling on the manifold? Did you just use normal paint rather then high temp paint? Or is it something else?
  16. Yeah I was going to do that, forgot. I figure the more information I can include in posts the less people will have to pull their hair out trying to figure out what they need as they read 8 year old threads (what Im doing). Part number at napa was 6412785 for 83-89 Nissan Quest Rear Studs.
  17. Its Uuuge... do you have anything over 1 inch?
  18. Haha, didnt notice that. 2 sunglasses= Twice as cool... Yeah I hate CSI too. Expecially the one with the guy pictured above. Hes so annoying with his stupid comments. "Theres a killer on the loose.... Im gonna get him..."
  19. Yeah the brakes are worth a good chunk of what youd pay for the car..
  20. You dont need to remove the radiator to get a socket on.
  21. Stag Arms sells AR style rifles starting at about $900, might check them out.
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