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Everything posted by garvice

  1. I'm going to step on some toes here. I'm an electrical engineer working in the mining industry with plenty of mates that are civil and plenty that are mechanical. From what I have seen the jobs for mechanical engineers (in my industry) outway the jobs for civil and electrical. Ratios for jobs are approximately Civil 1 eng, Mech 4 eng, Elec 2 engs. Also a lot of the civil and mech engineers say they chose there degree because it was a lot easier than electrical. In addition the civils say that they chose the civil because it was a lot easier than mechanical. I also want to re-iterate what a lot of people have been saying about the university. My first job interview the guy interviewing me said "I know you just did four years of university, but we don't expect you to know anything usefull. all those years of university just show us that you are able to learn". And it is true, when i first started i knew very little usefull information, but I was able to pick it up very quickly and within a couple of months was really helping out. So don't get too woried about what you study, because you can always move around the fields (within reason).
  2. I bought mine as a weekend car and perhaps a few burst through the week. After a year of ownership I changed jobs and since I wasn't working in the city, I had to drive to work. Since the wife was driving the shopping trolley (corolla) to work everyday, I drove the Z. After a few weeks I was loving the DD, even though it took 10 mins to warm up each way (gave me good reading time). After about 8 weeks of this and me bragging about how reliable it was, it broke down, no spark. So I bought another corolla (just too damn reliable) and the Z has returned to my weekend car (once I remove myself from this screen and fix it). Anyway, all that was to get me to this point. I would love to DD my Zed, but not in traffic with women doing their makeup or on the phone driving behind me (I cringed everytime I had to brake). Leave it for the weekend and get a run about, that you can thrash, not worry about warming up and only put fuel in.
  3. Love the pics, the studio pics of the s30 are superb, looks like something that should be blown to poster size and put in the garage/den/workshop or if the wife lets you get away with it, The lounge/dining room. Tell her its a conversation piece.
  4. Vote: Ban him forever due to stupidity and trying to fool the innocent?
  5. Please tell me that your rear hatch is open in this photo, otherwise, that is going to create some serious Downforce. LOL.
  6. JustinOlsen was putting S2000 seats in his, he might have some usefull info for the install. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=121121&highlight=s2000&page=3
  7. Grade 10, will you be able to drive it yet? When do you guys get your license, we have to be 17 to get it here.
  8. Sounds like my corolla. Bought her with 50 000 kms on her, She now has 290 000 kms on her. At least 150 000 kms have been HARD kms. The last Oil change was at 250 000 kms, before that was 215 000 kms. She still cold starts every morning and gets thrashed every time I drive her. I am planning on getting 350 000 kms out of her. Any more I will be extremely impressed about. Oh yeah, original water pump, oil pump, power steering etc. All she has had is timing belts and clutches. Im planning on giving her a major birthday service at 300 000 kms (needless to say this is not how I treat my Z). Grumpyvette, sorry for hijacking your thread, P.S. Interesting Articles
  9. best door trims ive ever seen on a $32k car. LOL
  10. Are they different to a 260z 2+2 bumper? Check out my photos on the first couple of pages. Looks like the ones Mopar is thinking of but without the rubber. Thats the look I like, but hey everyone to themselves.
  11. No!!!!! did you shave the rear bumper? Oh well, as long as you like it. Edit: Actually, it was one of those big crappy ones wasn't it. If so, good move
  12. Got to ask, did you take into account your weight? Say you weigh 200lbs. That means your motor bike is actually 5.38lbs/hp. Your Z then weighs 2850 lbs which means you only need 530 hp (just trying to bring your hp needs down a bit) I got to say, there is no point in having x hp if you can't put it down on the road. Lastly, I also have to say, I have been realy scared driving my 87kW (at the engine) 1400kg corolla, because I have done some really stupid things in it. Like the time that the back end came around (how does that work in a front wheel drive car, had me stumped) whilst going around a round about and having cars behind me (or should I say infront of me) and having to reverse around the round about before they hit me. I have been even more scared when I let my wife drive my Z.
  13. I am an Electrical Engineer working mainly in the Mining Industries. Do Power and Instrumentation Design. Work out of a capital city which is good. I think us Australians might have answers on the high side of this pole, but we do have to pay quite a bit of tax. Let me explain. This is our current Tax rates Taxable income Tax on this income $1 – $6,000 Nil $6,001 – $30,000 15c for each $1 over $6,000 $30,001 – $75,000 $3,600 plus 30c for each $1 over $30,000 $75,001 – $150,000 $17,100 plus 40c for each $1 over $75,000 $150,001 and over $47,100 plus 45c for each $1 over $150,000 On top of this you have to pay 1.5% Medicare Levy, on top of that if you have no private health insurance (the packages I am looking at which are pretty basic for a family set you back almost $3000 a year) you have to pay an additional 1% for the Medicare Levy surcharge. On top of that if you have a government loan to pay for your University fees (mine were roughly $20k over four years but they have gone up considerably now) you have to pay the following: HELP repayment income (HRI*) Repayment rate Below $39,825 Nil $39,825–$44,360 4% of HRI $44,361–$48,896 4.5% of HRI $48,897–$51,466 5% of HRI $51,467–$55,322 5.5% of HRI $55,323–$59,915 6% of HRI $59,916–$63,068 6.5% of HRI $63,069–$69,405 7% of HRI $69,406–$73,959 7.5% of HRI $73,960 and above 8% So for my ~ $115 k /year I pay $9 200 in Uni Loan Tax $1 725 in Medicare Levy $1 150 in Medicare Levy Surcharge $33 100 in Income Tax Total $45 175 Left with ~ $70 000 Oh yeah, we also have a 10% GST on almost everything we buy.
  14. Wow Ragefear, well done. Silver definetely suits the 2+2, Looks like the paint has been pored on.
  15. Word of Advice, wife and kids will cost you more than the government ever taxes. (I can really only speak for the wife part though, assumption on the kids)
  16. AARRGGGHHH! what nobs. I had to get the Z towed the other night and all they used was some alluminium ramps which where about 6ft long and only 2-3" high. Amazing how little of a ramp you realy need. They should have just put them on the truck a little bit.
  17. I had thought of that, but I was too eager to get it put together. I also thought that the glue wouldn't stick (glue is on the faces of timber because it wouldn't fit in with the dowel), but after assembling (read smashing the wood with a hammer) I realised I really didn't need glue. So yes, definitely varnish before assembly, with no need for glue.
  18. Hey guys, I was rather proud of this so I have subsequently bored almost everyone at work with these pictures. So since I talk to you guys almost as often as everyone else, now its your turn. It holds 400 cd, or 240 cd plus 70 dvds or 170 dvd or any other combination. Should hold my collection for a little while. Made from Tasmanian Oak 19 x 19 mm (3/4") section. There was about 450 drill holes and a bucket load of cuts. Mtls: ~$200 Labour: 4 hours to cut 4 hours to drill 6 hours to assemble 6 hours to varnish (1 coat, worst thing I ever had to varnish). 4 hours shopping. So all up it cost around $1700, (man I hate adding up how much labour costs). But I enjoyed doing it and can show it off, so it was worth it. Now if only my metal work was as good as my wood work.
  19. I wish I could weld like him, hell I wish I could weld full stop
  20. Wow you guys have been great. BTW, thanks for those pictures Goki, they look great, definitely like the first.
  21. There are a few angles I would like to see, 1, the angle you already have 2, the same angle but from the rear (I.e. not straight from the back but to the side a bit 3, side on (like your sig) 4 completely side on. If that is too many I understand. Colours, I really want to see a gloss black, matt black, dark grey. Also, what is the tape on your wheel wells for? Is that to protect against stone chips? Cheers
  22. Gokiburix, How do I get the colours to stay on for longer, or better yet, can I get a copy of each colour so that I can put them side by side? Is it easy to do various angles? Cheers
  23. Mate, I got these numbers from Springwood (Qld) Nissan Spare Parts. +61 7 3290 7890. These guys are always willing to help, won't put you on hold, and it took less than a minute, so phone call costs wont be too high. Long Bolts (3) - 1229342L01 Short Bolts (11) - 12293V7200 I have had gregory's and hanes manuals (for different cars) and I much preferred the gregories. But it may have been due to the car. They are pretty much the same sort of book, complete strip down repair. You are getting royally hosed on the price though. I can check on price, but the last Hanes manual I bought was about $50 Au. not sure if they will ship overseas but the big chains here which will sell them are www.repco.com.au www.supercheapauto.com www.autobarn.com.au
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