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Everything posted by garvice

  1. Sounds like a Flasher can. There is a seperate flasher unit (Thermal can, think silver soda can about 2 inch tall) for the hazards and the blinkers. Swap them, if your blinkers then work, it is just a case of getting a knew flasher.
  2. Whoops. Sure there isn't two Chartoo members? LOL. Sorry about that over sight Chartoo. BTW, the Window concept is looking good.
  3. Read this thread http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=133812 It is about the quarter windows, but there is lots of talk of roof lines, and someone discussing smoothing the roof line. P.S. Why do you want to get rid of the 2+2 roof line, thats what makes us unique.
  4. Took me less than 1 minute to search for this. Search is your friend. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=121121&highlight=seat+swap It is even a sticky for crying out loud.
  5. Both of those don't look half bad. actually they look really good.
  6. http://www.gtrblog.com/index.php/2008/05/18/haltech-gt-r-runs-11-1-124mph-in-stock-t?blog=4 Enjoy. Pretty impressive for what is basically just a retune and a good launch.
  7. Our Hot water systems are already on a simillar system (It only runs at certain times of the day and is a different tarriff). But even with that, your talking about adding a huge load, which where I live in Summer, people run their aircons all the time, (morning and night), so it still wouldn't be feasible without some huge upgrades to the transmission and generating capabilities. Not to sure about the hydrogen over your natural gas lines either. Not a piping engineer but I don't think they run at the same temp when compressed. Maybe I'm wrong. So you would be looking at different pipe, flanges, gaskets the whole deal. But hey, glad to see your thinking about it. and I love your motive, (Make Fuel cheaper for us, hell my car was drinking 20ltrs/100km, so I need all the help I can get).
  8. Wow, well good on you mate. And I hear you about the work thing. 50 hour weeks doesn't leave me much time to play with my Z. (That's my excuse why she is currently out of order).
  9. Dam austin, when did you win the lotto. Aren't you still studying? Well done mate, looks like your doing something right. P.S. Hitch looks good, control arms look even better. This will help with the lack of power too. http://www.airpowersystems.com/350z/fastforus/exclusive_cargo1.htm
  10. Infrastructure is there, but when you put the extra demand on the network from everyone plugging in their cars overnight, you are going to quickly realise that the infrastructure is in no way designed for that sort of Extra demand.
  11. I cracked up when I read that. Must be love. How else can you still say a car is extremely reliable when the following has happened. - second motor (maybe for performance, i'll give you that) - third tranny (that has to be cause something broke) - second diff - stock clutch went out LOL, glad your enjoying it.
  12. Richard, Its one of our state's biggest exports, we have to set an example and show everyone how good it is. LOL
  13. you americans really are crazy when it comes to guns. gees. I mean, really, do you really need a "MACHINE" gun when it comes to a mugger? I can almost understand carrying a hand gun, almost? but an automatic machine gun? you got to be kidding. Pretty cool design though. I bet this guy would like it
  14. Unless you get refrigerator white like mine
  15. gokiburix, from your signature I always pictured your car as more brown. but it looks like quite a deep red maroon. Nice.
  16. I was thinking the same smart a$$ response. Cracked up when I read it.
  17. That's the funniest thing I have heard in a while. CHEERS.
  18. Thats one huge rear wing mate.
  19. Yeah, just saying, maybe he read it wrong. Cause, i wouldn't pay 375 for a brand new one of those.
  20. Maybe he got a quote for some mint ones that were $375 for a set.
  21. Yeah? I was just giving him a ribbing, no harm meant. Just the way you get when you grow up with 4 older brothers
  22. Why do you think it is still on the engine hoist and not in the car? LOL. Just Kidding J. Soileau, look very nice and I'm sure you'll get it too fit, if you haven't already. Jeffer949, dump pipe looks good, I don't think it will ever be your restriction.
  23. That's just mean. it even had it's glass. damn, some people are just cruel.
  24. Why is the sync hole now on the opposite side of the slit? Both pictures show the hole to the right of the slit, but the disc on the right looks to be flipped upside down
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