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Everything posted by garvice

  1. Just a thought: Mounting them on the rear hatch will increase your blind spot (I know you should always shoulder check). The further forward you mount them the better, how about near the indicators, or in a custom indicator?
  2. Yeah, it was a long shot, Didn't think you would go for it. I live in Brisbane on the northside.
  3. I believe you will find that there was a lot of sarcasm in Johnc's post about Aerodynamics. I don't think he was being serious. BTW, I disagree with Mopar69, get rid of the 2+2, and since they are undesirable, don't ask much for it. Hell, I'll be nice and take it off your hands for a couple of hundred dollars. Since I live in Queensland, I'll even come pick it up.
  4. Holly crap 29 mph over. Although I have done that quite often (I have a had time with rule number 3) that would be an instant license disqualification for us, and I believe some jail time (don't quote me on that). Anything over 40 kms (24 mph) is bye bye license.
  5. Colours look a lot nicer together than I thought they would, congrats. I think go black or the dark grey for the rear panel, I think it will help break the colour up a bit more. (Or even use the Carbon fibre ones from Aziza) I think keep the front dam, Don't forget, these are MY opinions, which mean SQUAT when it comes to your car, so do what feels right for you.
  6. Walk?, Bus?, Bicycle?, the suspense is killing me and it's not my car, don't know how you have managed to hold out. WHoops, just saw you other thread, looks nice by the way
  7. HA, I noticed that your last two posts both say posted 1 day ago. In between the time of the posts you had cut half of your floor out. So how long did you actually wait for people to respond, 5 minutes. LOL. I guess since you've been waiting a while for the metal it would be hard to wait any longer. P.S. Thanks for the write up on the fibre, wouldn't mind seeing more howtos on this. Keep up the good work
  8. This isn't about you Nunavut. Im sorry guys, but I just don't understand this [/img] How can people buy a truck (you can't class that as a suv) like that. He must have the smallest d#$% ever. I just don't get it.
  9. A guide for Arizona Z Car ones can be found here http://www.arizonazcar.com/coil.html and a thread http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=117917 Btw, looking good, and quick.
  10. I think it's about time Mull chimed in. He had some serious rust issues, car looked like swiss cheese after the blasting.
  11. 260zman: Very nice, I like that angle of photo for the 2+2. mopar69: perhaps you could do a zipped upload somewhere? Also, did you have any zg flared 2+2s. Lately I've been interested to see what they look like.
  12. Yeah but it would be an incredible sleeper. Who pulls up beside a sentra, and goes, oh, I better get ready. Think of all the loosers you would leave at the lights with their jaws around their ankles.
  13. Evtech, We sit on the right side of the car, not the wrong. The viczcar site that I gave you is for an australian right hand drive.
  14. Evtech, Just 1 pointer, before asking a question, search search search. Otherwise some of the very talented and highly knowledgable members (not me Im still in the search search search stage) will get a little annoyed as they have already answered your question. I had seen some threads on these so I did a search for "Power Steering" in the title, this is what I found. Also try searches for Subaru rack or miata rack etc. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=112003&highlight=subaru+rack http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=89796&highlight=miata+rack http://www.viczcar.com/forum/index.php/topic,1087.0.html Also, in Australia the Miata is an MX5, not sure what they are called in the UK though, hope that helps.
  15. HA, we cant just let any riff raff in. (unless there new zealand, for some reason we have an abundance of them here)
  16. Damn I am in the wrong country, You know they made a movie about this, Field of Dreams (slightly different story line)
  17. Button Clutch??? To me this sounds like your trying to ride a button clutch a bit too much in first gear. Try shifting a little faster in first and see if that helps.
  18. be sure not to park in an underground carpark with those. What they really need is the koenigsegg doors for the Z http://www.koenigsegg.se/thecars/design.asp?design=4
  19. Welcome, Always great to see another Z getting a knew life.
  20. Don't fight it Ignorance is bliss. I just refuse to believe that I have a problem. In fact I use jobs around the house/car as excuses to buy knew tools E.G. well I cant build that TV cabinet without a dewalt buscuit joiner or Well if you want a stereo in your car honey, then I will just have to buy a new crimping tool to do it My wife thinks I am crazy buying expensive tools, but all I have to do is say, honey, how many shoes do you have? Then she storms out muttering something about them not being the same. (This is a bit of an exageration, she doesn't mind me buying tools, she just doesn't understand why).
  21. I used a small flat head screwdriver and my left hand (read: I held the light assembly with my left hand and on more than one occassion, ok about 7 or 8 times, slipped with the screw driver and pierced or came close to piercing my left hand). Seriously though its a PITA. The oven trick works, BUT BE CAREFULL, your working with old plastic, i found the plastic on my 260z lights were a lot more brittle behind the clear light than the red and amber light.
  22. If your interested this is what top gear's jeremy clarkson thought of it http://youtube.com/watch?v=pBAdmfq6sRk Great comments "the rotary car" "think of it as a triumph of torque over intelligence" "a jaguar xkr thats drunk" "meat and pie engineering" Any way mate, enjoy the car (and don't take any notice of me thinking your now a bogan/beven)
  23. Damn, you beat me to it. I always preferred the look of 240 lights to 260
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