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Everything posted by garvice

  1. Taking cold air intake for an NA to the next level. LOL
  2. Well done, and at home, I'm impressed.
  3. My left hand tail light often looks like it is smoked due to the exhaust fumes. I always prefer the look of the right one because it looks a lot brighter. But on your colour scheme with the flat black light surrounds and the black top half, the lights look really good. Congratulations. How do they look like with the lights on?
  4. The flasher units that came from the factory where a thermal unit (That silver can). I am not sure how many lights they can support, but most flasher units that you buy now days are the electronic ones. Most of these can support quite a few lights. If you only want you lights to flash at night: Wire your light in parallel with your current indicator light. Add a contact from your headlight relay in series with your new light bulb. If you want your lights to flash all the time: Wire your light in parallel with your current indicator light. If you have trouble with your lights not being bright enough, or flashing too slowly, then upgrade to a new electronic flasher unit.
  5. Man, I'm sure the tires are clean, but how are your pants? I'm sure mine would be dirty
  6. Not sure how you do it on the other side of the world (your often backwards, wrong side of the road, flick a light switch up to turn it on, etc etc). But down here, the light is off and it flashes on and off when you indicate. I would suggest having a relay in your headlight circuit and use one of the extra poles to turn a 12V feed on to those as well. You don't need them on when it is day time.
  7. I almost had a similliar thing happen in my corolla. Had the suspension done the day before and the shop hadn't tightened the lug nuts evenly. Luckily I could feel something was wrong with the wheels (could feel it in the steering wheel) and I had enough warning to be able to pull over an inspect. Good luck with your car mate. That is such a shame
  8. they have a image feature for that. I have been annoyed more than once as well. Perhaps even if we just put it down to about 5 seconds. or better yet, put it down to 5 seconds and instead of loading the page saying you have 3 seconds to wait, just delay the results by the remaining time. Doable?
  9. wow that's cool. didn't realise that picture was related when i saw it.
  10. That high pressure wash didn't strip the paint. . . did it? If so, that is awesome.
  11. silver280z: Mate, Please don't get offended at our posts. We are simply having a little bit of fun at your expense, as there are often a lot of posts on this forum which have already been answered. The answers can often be found through a quick search. Please don't hesitate to ask questions that you can not find through searching as we would be more then willing to try and answer them. Also, I hope you did read through the link that mario posted, as it was not meant to discourage you in anyway, just a simple way for us to try and point you in the right direction. Search, Search, and search some more, there is a wealth of information on this site and most often you can find it through the search. Good luck
  12. Yeah pretty clever. Just watch out for people watching you start the car, because now it is even easier to start your car. Although I guess you still need the key in so that it is in the on position.
  13. No mate, I reckon keep it for yourself and perhaps a few customers. You have put a lot of work into this and although I would love one, I love the fact that it is unique. well done. besides, would it really be financially feasible?
  14. Do you really sit with the chair reclined that far back? In my 2+2, I sit with the seat at the first position (i.e. not reclined at all)
  15. Some of us may not like his choice but that wont make it any less impressive so we'll still respect him and his work. So I don't think there wll be any enemies on this board. P.S. I think I remember mull saying something about some custom metal flares, is that right mull?
  16. Yeah, What I meant was the owner was probably from there. Im pretty sure it's a 3T-GTEU
  17. Picture 251 explains it all "Bahrain" license plates. I was wondering who would be able to pay for a restoration in a shop full of ferraris and mercs. Now I know.
  18. holy crap, there was nothing left wow, that frame rail looks amazing, would never have picked it was two pieces
  19. have you tried laying done a few layers of good quality carnuba wax. It will act as a sacrificial layer but will make a big difference to the gloss. My routine (ha, haven't done it in ages) is wash, clay, polish, seal, wax (every 6-12 months), wash (was every couple of weeks), wax (every 1-2 months).
  20. those wheels work a lot better than i would have expected. well done
  21. Looks like an auto as well. Would be much more fun as a manual
  22. In fact I quite like this mustang vent HA! I don't think either of these will work with our window angle
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