If you do the reSEARCH everyone is suggesting you will have enough information to draw a conclusion. In other words there isn't a "Bad" or a "Good" head. They all have an application.
I have a spare '82 rotating assembly, and both 4 and 5 speeds with a clutch/flywheel with about 15-20k on it. Shipping will probably suck, though. Just let me know if you can't find one local.
You guys make me feel much better. I love that I stumbled onto this thread at 12:45. I better go now, I have a double work load tomorrow 'cause I've been on here all afternoon/evening/night!
Thats an awesome price. I don't know about the s362, but my friend has a Borg Warner t3/t4 with s.s. exhaust housing and that thing is awesome. 290 front whp on 16lbs, 1.8 liter. If any of that helps.
Look up the Koenigsegg (formorly fastest production car in the world). Its got two! Also hks sells them as a kit for 350Z. Planetary gears, self contained oil, great efficiency, and oh yeah its quiet!
I just stumbled upon this post and had to go through and read/inspect everything. Another late night. But in all seriousness for those of you who haven't had the pleasure to personally see this car coming together in stages I must say it is a sight! Tim, I can't wait to hear 'er run buddy. You are making OUTSTANDING progress by my standards... then again you probably don't want to be judged by those.
You really should read this thread and the links that acompany it. And make SURE your mn47 head and your cylinder block have not been decked. That is a sure fire way to have valve/piston contact.
You pretty much need every thing. The power rack and pinion uses a different crossmember and I believe different tie rods. Getting the rack and crossmember off is kind of a pain but it all comes off in one piece. Then just remove the pump and lines and I think you're done. Double check the steering shaft though, because I'm not sure if they're identical. Also, if you decide to do the swap I have some of the parts I would trade for the non-power rack and pinion with crossmember. Good luck!